Blending A Family 40 day DevotionalSýnishorn

Many of us have opinions on most topics based on how we were raised, educated, our religious beliefs, society and many other factors. And in our heart our opinion is right.
Opinions can create problems within relationships when we think our opinions are right and the opinions of others are wrong. We can devalue others when we do not validate or accept their opinions.
When we devalue someone else’s opinion, we devalue them. There are always three opinions regarding our issues and differences: our opinion, the other person’s opinion, and God’s ultimate wisdom, and truth in each matter.
Go the extra mile to have an open mind and accept other people’s opinions and suggestions including adults, children, and stepchildren (when practical). When possible, choose to validate all your family members by choosing their opinions over yours. Everyone needs to be valued and shown respect.
There is a saying about relationships that we can either be right or be happy, but not both.
Let our motivation be to build unity between us and others through compromise. Find that place of unity one area at a time.
Search the areas in your relationships where there is conflict. And ask the Holy Spirit for God’s truth about each area. He will show you and usher in peace and unity.
We may not always agree with each other. In those instances, don’t let respect fall by the wayside. Don’t value your opinion more than you value the hearts in your marriage and family.
What strong opinions are hindering or damaging your relationships? Discuss this with your spouse.
How can you defeat all existing barriers so you can grow healthy relationships?
Our Prayer for you:
Holy Spirit help this couple to put any pride, agenda, and opinions aside so that our relationships with others (adults, children, and step-children) can flourish. Help them to listen to understand each heart in their new family and validate their worth within their family. Grow our hearts together as best friends, in Jesus and for His glory.
Copyright 2019 Moe and Paige Becnel @ Blending A Family Ministry
About this Plan

Blending a Family 40-day Devotional written by Moe and Paige Becnel at Blending a Family Ministry is a resource for remarried families. The Becnel’s married in 1989 with 5 children, and were quickly overwhelmed with many issues exclusive to blended families. The plan discusses the cause of the issues many families face, and provides solutions found in God’s Word that fuel family growth. God is for you!