Blending A Family 40 day DevotionalSýnishorn

Blending A Family 40 day Devotional

DAY 28 OF 40


Many people carry various expectations of what life should be like in relationships, finances, values, religion and so on. We are often unaware of our own expectations. These opinions or expectations are based on the many experiences we have had from childhood to today. Within relationships we expect certain things from our family and friends. They may have different expectations, and/or think our expectations are unreasonable.

The definition of expectation is:

> a belief about what might happen in the future; 

> The way we think or hope something should be;

> a guaranteed way for us to make sure that people will consistently disappoint us.

We can be happy or sadly disappointed based on how things are compared to how we think they should be.

In blending our family, Paige and I discovered that we had expectations that were causing struggles:

1. We expected too much too soon. We were frustrated that our family was blending too slow, and we did not understand the dynamics causing this.

2. We each expected our rules and discipline from our former homes to prevail in our new family. But we were very different in our thinking.

3. We expected our extended family to embrace our new family. Not everyone was accepting of our new family.

In any marriage there should be three viewpoints. The husband’s, the wife’s, and God’s wisdom and direction. God always has the best plan. He designed relationships and His Word gives abundant life. 

When we seek His ways in each issue, we find peace and unity.


Assess the different expectations you and your spouse carry. Discuss if your spouse’s expectations are reasonable to you, and find compromise to bring unity.

Assess the expectations your children have. Help them to let go of old dreams and build new dreams.

Adjust your expectations, and be willing to help meet your spouse’s and children’s expectations.

Our Prayer for you:

Holy Spirit, help this family to understand the expectations within each heart, and work to help live in value and appreciation of each other.


Copyright 2019 Moe and Paige Becnel @ Blending A Family Ministry

About this Plan

Blending A Family 40 day Devotional

Blending a Family 40-day Devotional written by Moe and Paige Becnel at Blending a Family Ministry is a resource for remarried families. The Becnel’s married in 1989 with 5 children, and were quickly overwhelmed with many issues exclusive to blended families. The plan discusses the cause of the issues many families face, and provides solutions found in God’s Word that fuel family growth. God is for you!
