Increasing Your Faith Sýnishorn

Increasing Your Faith

DAY 2 OF 3

Recount God’s Faithfulness

In the book of Luke, the disciples say to Jesus, "Increase our faith!" That's a request to the Lord. The God who gives you faith is the one who increases your faith. Jesus replied to them, "If you had faith no bigger than a tiny mustard seed, you could tell this mulberry tree to pull itself up, roots and all, and to plant itself in the ocean. And it would!" 

We have to pay attention to God's faithfulness in our own lives. How often are you afraid of things in your present or future, and forget to remember God's faithfulness in your life? God's faithfulness in your past is a testimony to His faithfulness in your future because He doesn't change. God will remain faithful through every season of your life. He has already proven Himself faithful over and over again. Yet sometimes we still face new situations as if we have no previous experiences to reflect on.  

God's faithfulness is based on the truth of His Word. It's the way in which His Word has been demonstrated true and faithful in your life. Whatever you are facing tomorrow, believe that He will remain faithful because that is who He has been in your life. 

David was a man who remembered God's faithfulness in his life. He sings, "I will recount of Your wonderful deeds." Recounting and remembering all that God has done in the past propels faith. In the Old Covenant, the parents and grandparents were in charge of telling their children and grandchildren of all the marvelous things God had done. This was to recount what God had done in their history.

Also, it is important to consider the Body of Christ, the Christian family; you can assist each other by reminding others of God's faithfulness. Tell your brother or sister in Christ, "I know you're at a low point, but can I remind you of the things He's done in your life?" This is where family and friendships can be so valuable. Remind each other of the things that we are so prone to forget in that fearful moment. 

When you think back on how God never left your side during difficult moments, how He opened doors of opportunity for your life and family, how He provided every cent that was needed – all of that increases your faith. I encourage you to recount and remember all of the wonderful deeds God has already done in your life. He is faithful. 

Dag 1Dag 3

About this Plan

Increasing Your Faith

Faith is believing in God. We increase in our faith when we trust and believe in who God says He is. This plan will encourage you to continue walking out faithfully upon His Word and to remember God's faithfulness in your life as a reminder that He never changes. He is faithful.
