Prayer: Forty Days of PracticeSýnishorn

The median age in Liberia is 17. Making an impact on young souls there means changing Liberia’s long-term future. That’s a remarkable opportunity. This is part of what made it noteworthy for the team at Young Life Africa to receive a call from a young leader in Monrovia, Liberia, inquiring about starting Young Life there. Another remarkable element to that phone call was that the gentleman who called was hiding under a table as a gunfight raged in the street outside.
Violence is one of the reasons the age of Liberians trends so young. From 1989 to 1997, Liberia’s first civil war cost them 250,000 precious lives. Ten years after that war ended, a second civil war cost another 200,000 beloved ones. The loss of life, infrastructure, and civil trust left Liberia desperately in need of help, healing, and hope. It also made Liberia difficult to navigate—logistically, culturally, and financially.
How appropriate, then, that one of the very first things to happen when the new international Young Life director, Marty Caldwell, arrived at staff training in Tanzania was that the people dreaming of Young Life Liberia would gather to pray. Put yourself in that circle. Where would you start? Would you pray for financial resources? Would you pray for a miraculous softening of hearts? Would you pray for ways to overcome logistical issues like a lack of electricity, water, roads, etc…?
These types of things were likely in the minds of those gathered there, but they didn’t come up first. Instead, as Marty lowered his head and closed his eyes, he heard the voice of a young man a few feet from him breathe in and then pray, “Lord, thank you for my shoes.”
Maybe your first thought is like mine was then: “With so much to do and hope and pray for, why would you even think about your shoes?!” Over time, I’ve come to realize that if I can’t see and be thankful for what’s right in front of me, I’m not properly postured to see and ask for what I think I lack.
Are you looking at an enormous opportunity? Facing an insurmountable obstacle? Take a breath, bow your head, and first be thankful that you have shoes on your feet. Let the goodness of God begin with the simple ways you’re cared for, provided for, protected, and loved.
Then look up in thankfulness for God’s great faithfulness…and pray about what’s next.
About this Plan

A simple yet profound guide to facilitate the instinctively human desire to pray. We pray because we are human, not because we are religious. Something in our nature points beyond itself; something in us searches for and desires personal connection with God. Although communicating with our Creator through prayer is innate, the effective practice of it often feels just beyond our reach.