UNCOMMEN: Fear NotSýnishorn


DAY 4 OF 5

There Will Be Storms

My family and I were born and raised in New Orleans (40 years) and were Katrina evacuees. So we know a little something about storms. As I write this devotional, Hurricane Florence is right at the doorstep of my current home, the state of North Carolina.

I wrote about Katrina on Uncommen a few years back. As we are about 13 years removed from the storm, I can reflect on that two  year period of distress.  Yes, it took that long before things were settled.

As I look at the verse, the one thing that stood out to me was—this seemed like a quick lesson. The disciples followed Jesus into the boat and “suddenly” a furious storm came upon the lake. I guess enough time had passed for Jesus to fall asleep in the back of the boat, but it felt like only a few minutes.

I reacted just like the disciples did when Katrina was hitting and driving us from our home in New Orleans. LORD…SAVE US! The way Jesus responded to them is just like He replied to me. Tj…your faith is so little, why are you so afraid? 

Living in New Orleans, we have hurricane season from June - November every year. There will be storms, and you will probably have to evacuate once per year. Yet, Katrina was a little different, as we didn’t set foot back in our home until 5 months after we vacated.

You're probably wondering: If Jesus told the storm to cease in Matthew, why wouldn't He stop Katrina and prevent personal battles from appearing?

Indeed, that would've been preferred at the moment! Yet, God has an essential purpose for the trials that we face in life, regardless of the severity.

James 1:2-3: "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness."

I wish we could somehow embed this verse in our mind. God never promised you'd have it easy! God always has and always will accomplish His purpose, and you might not feel it, but it is absolutely always for your ultimate good. It produces a kind of faith and trust that cannot be compared to anything else. Our trials lead us to Jesus!

Uncommen Questions:

What storm have you gone through or are going through currently that you need to cry out to Jesus about?

Are you ready for Him to let you get tossed about here and there?

Uncommen Challenge:

I challenge you to remember Who’s in the boat with you. Remember that the One who created the wind and water has complete control over both.

Scripture References:
Matthew 8: 23-26
James 1:3

Dag 3Dag 5

About this Plan


Anxiety surrounds our life and it seems like there are an infinite amount of sources just piling stress onto our lives. I wonder if God wants that for us? Let me tell you that He doesn't. He wants us to cast all of our worries on Him and dwell on what Jesus accomplished for us. Join us on a 5-day journey of experiencing God’s peace.
