Unseen Yet SeenSýnishorn

Unseen Yet Seen

DAY 5 OF 5

Ladders of Grace  

If our life is viewed like that of the game of Snake and Ladders, have you been experiencing the ladders that are unseen yet seen? Have you been experiencing the ladders of His amazing grace that takes us by surprise every time and re-instills in us all the promises He has promised us? Have you been experiencing the joy that transcends understanding, a peace that penetrates in the deepest despairs, a love that overflows even when the World wages a war against you! Have you been experiencing an inward push that keeps you going, keeps reviving you? It is the LORD! He is working in you and through you! 

The high times of our life are not that which defines us, nor are the low times! Money comes and goes, health comes and goes, hurt comes and goes… nothing in this life is permanent other than the bond we have in Jesus Christ! Anchoring our life in the love of our Savior alone is that which secures us in His arms of grace. So therefore even when the World might break our wings, let them understand that seldom have we been flying on our own, all throughout the journey with Jesus, we have been soaring on His wings and we will continue to do so! How? By just believing! By just loving! By just enjoying Him every second of our life! 

Let us love Him more, let us enjoy Him more, let us live our lives worthy of our calling! There’s so much we could do, there’s so much we should do as God’s ambassadors here in this World! Like a city on a hill, let us shine brighter! Let nothing deter us! Let us encourage each other in the service of our LORD, and together march ahead for His glory! 

When Jesus returns, He will be coming back to take back His Bride, and there will be only one Bride, the Church! Let the Spirit unite us in the banner of love! We all are meant to be one… let us forget our theological and ideological differences and just love Him for who He was, who He is and who He forever will be! 

Therefore let us run this race, this race that has been started in faith will also end in faith, when we see Him face to face… let us see sights unseen and know the Author and Finisher of our faith is with us, and He is paving the way perfectly and victoriously!

 Adapted from Chapter 29 Unseen Yet Seen by Susan Ann Samuel.      

Dag 4

About this Plan

Unseen Yet Seen

In our pilgrim life here on Earth, we all are in a constant search for truth, love, wisdom and reasoning. This search finds meaning only when we search beyond the ambit of our mortal senses!  This journey is but a journey in which we learn to open our mind’s eyes,  to fix our eyes on Jesus and through Him, see an eternity outstretched before us in His abundant grace!  
