Revive Your Marriage for Business SuccessSýnishorn

Revive Your Marriage for Business Success

DAY 4 OF 4

Forgiveness through starting your marriage over

To move from a chaotic marriage to a successful one, you first must forgive your spouse. I know moving from a state of unforgiveness to forgiveness can be difficult because of the years of unmet expectations. The only way to make this transition is to start your marriage over in your mind.

Proverbs 23:7 teaches us that we do what we think, so you need to think as if you are just married and forget all the years of hurt feelings. If you cannot do this, then there is no hope for your marriage.

Mark 2:21-22 gives a great illustration of this concept of starting over. It points out that new things require new containers. For your marriage, the new thing is forgiveness, and the new container is a new marriage (in your thought process).

If you try to forgive without forgetting the past and starting over, the marriage will not work. After you restart your marriage by forgiving and forgetting, the next step is to not place any expectations on your spouse.

What the Bible and I want you to do is just serve the needs and desires of your spouse, and cast your needs and desires onto God, because the Bible never told us that our spouses would give us the desires of our hearts. The Bible says that God will give us the desires of our hearts - Psalm 37:4. Furthermore, Hebrews 11:1 says that faith is the substance of our desires, not our spouses.

Can you now see that we have been expecting our spouses to do something that only God can do? You cannot unconditionally love your spouse until you get your expectations off of them, and the only way to do that is to conclude that your spouse owes you nothing.

When you truly believe in your heart that your spouse owes you nothing, you will find a freedom to love your spouse. From this freedom, a successful marriage will be birthed, and then you will qualify to be one of God’s leaders according to 1 Timothy 3:1-4.


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Revive Your Marriage for Business Success

If you are married, then your marriage affects your business more than you may realize. A dysfunctional marriage produces a dysfunctional business. A successful marriage produces a successful business. This 4-day devotional looks at the connection between your marriage and business, and provides scripture and guidance in reviving your marriage for business success.
