The Shadow Of My Porch Swing - The Presence Of GodSýnishorn

The Shadow Of My Porch Swing - The Presence Of God

DAY 3 OF 7

Our boys are great holiday car travelers. Not many incidents of ‘are we there yet?’ or ‘I need to go potty!’ The kids mostly read or play 'I Spy' and as long as I keep to the snack schedule, it’s a pretty quiet ride. The peace of our last holiday trip to a theme park was surprisingly interrupted an hour into the drive by the wail of our six-year old crying, ‘I want to go to Branson!’

Matter-of-factly without turning around I respond, 'Well, it’s a good thing you boarded the right train. This one is headed to Branson.’

Now my husband is a whole other personality, fun and witty...probably because he gets more sleep. So Chris dramatically announces ‘OH NO! We forgot your ticket. We have to stop. We need to kick you out.’

GASP! Now it's vital for you to know that this was spoken to the most emotional and tenderhearted child on this planet. Fully expecting tears, I quickly turn around to ward off the flood but instead I’m greeted with a giant toothy smile and nugget of truth.

‘No, you don’t have to kick me out cause you are my father. I get to go with you,’ he confidently states.

God often has a way of using my sons to speak the very truth I need to hear. Because I have a personal relationship with Jesus, I have the privilege of being a child of God. No matter what happens, I always get to go where my Father goes.

What makes you feel unworthy to go with God today?

Father, remind me that I am your child and you delight in traveling with me. Help me have confidence to know you will never kick me out of your presence.

Dag 2Dag 4

About this Plan

The Shadow Of My Porch Swing - The Presence Of God

This mom of 4 boys ponders a lot of life while meeting with Jesus on her porch swing. One constant remains, the swing's shadow. While shadows can often seem scary, a shadow actually proves a light is shining. These stories will challenge you to notice God shining on the everyday swing of life. He is always present whether you are moving forward or backward.
