Praying for My WifeSýnishorn

Praying for My Wife

DAY 5 OF 5

I’m A Student of My Wife

I’ve learned that I need to be a student of my wife. It’s a lifelong pursuit of understanding and knowing my wife so that I can love her well. The Lord knew I would need a lot of help when he reminded me to live with my wife in an understanding way. I’ll never figure her out without his help (see 1 Peter 3:7 NASB). Here are just some of the things I’ve learned about my wife. I know not to buy her flowers or candy; she prefers more practical gifts. I know the colors she likes and her favorite brands of clothing and jewelry. I know she likes to socialize but not stay out too late. I know she prefers me to drive, but with caution. I know she likes to people watch, shop, and drink coffee, but will drink only decaf after five o’clock in the evening. As the Lord increases my understanding of my wife, He then invites and empowers me to demonstrate His kindness. He is wonderfully patient and kind with me. I get to pay His kindness forward to my partner.


Remember, my beloved. I am wonderfully kind, patient, and tolerant of you. It was my kindness, in spite of your sin, that first drew you into a relationship with me. Now I’m giving you the opportunity to share some of that kindness with your spouse. Pay it forward every day. Look for ways to demonstrate kindness with your wife. Be generous as I am generous. Take thought of her just as I think of you a thousand times a day. Finally, remember that sharing truth with one another is important, but that truth needs to be coupled with kindness.

* Jesus, you are so right. You have been patient, kind, and tolerant of me even though I ________. I am grateful for your kindness toward me because ________. I pray that you would empower me to demonstrate this same kindness in my marriage. I need your help to ________.

* Lord, I pray that my wife would have a fresh experience with your kindness as well. May she sense your patience and understanding, and the generous way you love us both. I pray specifically that she would sense your kindness related to ________.

LIVE: DO THE BIBLE (Ephesians 4:32)

* God, remind me often of my wife’s preferences and uniquenesses. Show me the things I need to understand about her. Based on these special things about her, show me ways that I can demonstrate your kindness. Show me ways to be tenderhearted with her. Show me any areas where I need to forgive, just as you’ve forgiven me. Speak to me, Lord. I’m listening for ________.

* Lord, I pray for my wife. Give her a fresh experience of your kindness and tenderness. I want her to soak in your forgiveness. Show her more and more of the ways she is loved by you so that ________.


• Give your wife an unexpected, no-strings-attached hug.

• Serve your wife her favorite meal.

• Compliment her on her appearance.

• Praise your wife for her accomplishment or achievement.

• Give her a back rub or foot massage.

For more inspiring devotions check out the book 31 Days of Prayer for My Wife. For additional resources g o to

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About this Plan

Praying for My Wife

 Jesus is praying for your wife, and He invites you to join Him! Your wife is a gift from God! Recall an image of Jesus you’ve likely seen on His knees, praying. Imagine leaning in and hearing Him speak your wife’s name. Experience His heart for your wife as you claim Bible promises for her future, know and cherish her as God does, and release your faith for her continued spiritual growth and kingdom impact. 
