1 Corinthians With Mark Dever: When Church HurtsSýnishorn

Count your blessings
Read 1 Corinthians 1:4-9
Paul will need to correct and challenge this church in many areas. But first he wants them to count their blessings. And what blessings they have as those who “call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (verse 2)!
The church in Corinth had been founded by Paul. Since then, it had been full of problems. And, as we’ll see, there was some dissent towards Paul himself.
Whatever challenges this church faces, or poses, the most important thing about its members is that they have received God’s grace. Which is cause for great thanks!
Every true Christian, however much they are struggling, should prompt us to give thanks. Each congregation of Christians, however problematic, is a triumph of God’s grace.
Pause now to praise God for Christians you know. Praise Him particularly for any Christians who have caused you problems or heartache.
Corinth was a place that valued knowledge. Paul reminds these Christians that in Christ they have the richest knowledge possible. In Christ they have found the purpose of their lives, the way they can be forgiven, the way they can know God Himself. What better knowledge is there?
Our eternal well-being rests in hands safer and more powerful than our own!
The Christian life is not about rituals, or rules: it’s about relationship. God has given us the best He has—His Son.
Grace. Knowledge. Certainty. Fellowship. All these are yours as a Christian.
About this Plan

The Corinthian church—perhaps like ours—was struggling with division, immaturity and immorality. The apostle Paul pulls no punches, but points them to the cross; because “to us who are being saved it is the power of God”. This is a free sample of Explore daily Bible reading notes, published by The Good Book Company.