40 Days In The WordSýnishorn

40 Days In The Word

DAY 16 OF 31

God Frees Us Through His Word

Truth be told, you can’t even fathom your full potential. Only your Creator can. Only God, the one who made you, knows all you are capable of being. Your parents, your spouse, your friends, your boss — they only get a glimpse of your potential.

Only God knows what you’re truly capable of.

Most people live for the approval of others. They spend all of their time worrying about what others think of them. Your life has been limited by replaying tapes in your head of people who lied to you. They may not even mean to lie to you, but they still do. They’ve told you that you can’t do something, that you shouldn’t even bother because you’re not worth much anyway.

You’ve played these tapes over and over in your mind. And they’re lies. The people that made those statements about you have no idea about your potential. You have to talk to your Creator for that.

Only he knows what he can do through your life. And only he can unlock that potential. How does he do it?

The Lord frees us through his Word. Jesus said this in John 8:31-32: “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (NLT). God’s Word will unlock all you’ve been made to do and be. Through it, you’ll be able to do things you’ve never thought possible.

How do you do that?

1. Learn God’s Word. God won’t unlock your potential until you actually open the Word and learn it. You won’t unlock potential by osmosis. You’ll start to do it by learning what the Bible says.
2. Accept God’s Word. The Bible has to be the authority in your life. You may not like what you’re reading, but if you want God’s best for your life, you need to accept what it says as the final authority for how you live.
3. Obey God’s Word. You can’t just learn God’s Word and accept God’s Word. You have to do what the Bible teaches. You don’t get blessed for the parts of the Bible you know. You get blessed for the parts of the Bible you do.

This devotional © 2014 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.


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About this Plan

40 Days In The Word

The Bible is your bread and water and will sustain you for a lifetime of faithful service. But you have to do more than just read God’s Word! In this series, Pastor Rick walks through the steps of effective Bible study and application so that you can build your life on the solid foundation of God’s Word and let it change the way you live.
