Luik 23
Jesus brocht afore Pilate
1Then tha Cooncil, tha hale lock o thaim, tuk Jesus an brocht hïm up tae Pilate. 2An the' stairtit tae brïng chairges agin hïm, an saed, “We fun thïs man leadin tha fowk asthray, tellin thaim no tae pye onie tex tae Caesar, makkin hissel oot tae be Christ tha Messiah, an a kïng!” 3Pilate axt Jesus, “Ir you tha Kïng o tha Jews?” An Jesus saed bak tae hïm, “You hae saed ït.” 4Then Pilate saed tae tha heid preeshts an tha thrang o fowk, “A cannae fin oniethin agin thïs man!” 5But the' kep on at Pilate, sayin, “Thïs man ïs stïrrin up naethin but bother, wi tha thïngs he's bin lairnin tha fowk tha lenth an breadth o tha lan, frae Galilee richt doon tae here.”
Jesus afore Herod
6Whan Pilate heerd thïs, he axt, “Ach, daes he cum frae Galilee then?” 7An as shuin as he fun oot that Jesus cum unnèr Herod's thortie, he sent hïm up tae hïm, fer Herod happent tae be ïn Jerusalem hissel at tha time. 8Noo whan Herod saa Jesus, he wus hairt gled, fer he haed heerd aa aboot hïm an haed bin langin tae see hïm. He haed hoped he micht see hïm daein some mïracle. 9Sae he axt Jesus a hale lock o questions, but Jesus niver saed a wurd bak. 10An tha heid preeshts an tha maistèrs o tha Laa wus stannin aboot, hoochin an yellin thair accusations agin Jesus. 11Herod alang wi hïs sodgers jeert an made lïttle o hïm, riggin hïm oot ïn a braw fancie goon. An the' sent hïm agane tae Pilate. 12That verie day Herod an Pilate becum guid freens; afore that thair wus nae love loast atween thaim.
Bak afore Pilate
13Sae Pilate caad thegither tha heid preeshts an ither releejus heidyins, alang wi aa tha ordinarie fowk. 14An he saed tae thaim, “Yis hae brocht thïs man afore me sayin that he wus stïrrin up fowk an casin bother. A hae examined hïm afore yis aa, an A hae fun naethin wrang ava, as faur as whut yis say he haes daen. 15Na, Herod dïdnae ither, fer he sent hïm bak tae iz. Lïsten tae me, thïs man haes daen naethin tae warrant bein püt tae deith. 16Sae A'll gie hïm a whalin tae lairn hïm a lesson, an let hïm gang!” 17[Fer he maun let yin wrangdaer gang at tha Faist.]
18Then tha hale crood o thaim yellt oot, “Awa wi thïs man! Let Barabbas oot!” 19Noo Barabbas haed bin püt ïn jail fer murdèr an riotin ïn Jerusalem. 20Pilate wantit tae let Jesus gang free, sae he spauk agane tae thaim aa. 21But the' kep on cryin oot, “Crucyfie hïm! Crucyfie hïm!” 22Pilate saed tae thaim a thurd time, “Why, whut wrang haes he daen? A dïnnae fin oniethin tae pit hïm tae deith ower. A'll gie hïm a whalin an let hïm gang.” 23But tha hale thrang shoutit aa tha mair that Jesus shud be crucyfied. An tha crood an tha heid preeshts got thair ain wye. 24Sae Pilate gien ïn tae whut the' wantit; 25he daen as the' axt hïm, an he let gang tha man that haed bin püt ïn jail fer riot an murdèr.
But Jesus he hannit ower tae thaim; the' cud dae whut the' wantit wi hïm.
Jesus taen awa
26As the' led Jesus awa, the' clappt hans on Simon frae Cyrene, that wus makkin hïs wye ïn frae tha kintrie. The' püt tha cross on hïs shoodèr, an the' gart hïm tae cairrie ït behin Jesus. 27A hale crood o fowk wus follaein ahint hïm, an amang thaim a lock o weemen that wur batin thair breeshts an lamentin ower whut wus gaun tae happen tae Jesus. 28But Jesus turnt roon tae thaim an saed, “Dochtèrs o Jerusalem, dïnnae greet fer me, greet fer yersels an yer weans! 29Fer luk, tha day's no faur aff, whan the' wull be sayin, ‘Blisst ir tha weemen that's barren, an tha wames that niver bair weans, an tha breeshts that niver gie mïlk.’ 30In that day the' wull stairt sayin tae tha muntins, ‘Faa doon on iz!’ An tae tha hïlls, ‘Cover iz ower!’ 31Noo ïf the' wud dae that whaniver tha tree ïs ïn fu leaf an growein weel, whut wull the' dae whan tha trees ir wuthert?”#23.31 Jesus' mainin here ïs that ït wud be muckle waur fer them: ïf the' dae that tae me, that am laik wuid that's growein green, whut wull the' dae tae yous, that ir laik wuthert trees?
Tha crucyfïxion
32Twa ithers as weel, that wur crïmnals, wur led oot tae be püt tae deith alang wi Jesus. 33An whan the' cum tae tha place caad “Calvarie”#23.33 “Tha Place o tha Skull”, the' crucyfied hïm thair, an tha twa crïmnals alang wi hïm, yin on tha richt han side, tha tither on tha left. 34[An Jesus saed, “Faither, forgie thaim, fer the' dïnnae ken whut the'r daein.”] An tha sodgers gemmelt fer hïs claes, pairtin thaim amang thairsels. 35Aa tha while, tha fowk stud bye, lukkin on. But tha heidyins o tha Jews giekt at hïm, sayin, “He saved ithers. Let hïm save hissel, ïf he's God's Messiah, tha chosen yin!” 36Tha sodgers jeert hïm tae, cumin up an offerin hïm soor wine. 37An the' saed tae hïm, “If you ir tha Kïng o tha Jews, save yersel!” 38An the' püt up a signboord abain hïm [an ït saed ïn tha Greek, tha Latin an tha Hebrew]: “THIS IS THA KING O THA JEWS”
Tha twa crïmnals
39Noo yin o tha crïmnals hingin alangside o hïm yellt abuse at hïm. “Ir ye no tha Messiah?” he axt. “Save yersel, an iz forbye!” 40But tha ither yin gien aff tae hïm, an axt hïm, “Dae ye no fear God, seein as ye ir condemned tae dee as weel? 41We ir jist gettin whut we desarve fer whut we hae daen. But thïs man haes daen naethin wrang ava!” 42An wi that he saed, “[Loard] Jesus, keep mine o me whan ye cum ïntae yer Kïngdom.” 43Saed Jesus bak tae hïm, “A tell ye tha truith, ye'll be wi me ïn paradise thïs verie day!”
Tha deith o Jesus
44Bi thïs time ït wus nuin, an dairkness cum ower tha hale lan tae thrie ïn tha eftèrnuin. 45Tha licht o tha sin wus blekt oot, an tha curtin hingin ïn tha Halie o Halies wus torn ïn twa. 46Then Jesus cryed oot wi a lood voice, “Faither, A gie ma spïrit up ïntae your hans!” An wi that, he gien hïs last breath. 47Noo whan tha centurion#23.47 Tha yin ïn chairge o a hunnèr Roman sodgers. saen whut wus daen, he gien glorie tae God, an saed, “Thon man wus a guid man, that's fer shair!” 48An aa tha fowk that cum tae see whut wus gaun on, whan the' saa whut wus daen, the' bate thair breeshts ïn sorra an went awa. 49An aa Jesus' freens, alang wi tha weemen that follaed hïm frae Galilee, stud awa bak takkin ït aa ïn.
Jesus ïs buriet
50-51Noo thair wus a man caad Joseph, a coonciller, a guid an dacent man, that haednae gan alang wi thair deceesion tae kïll Jesus. He wus frae Arimathea, a toon o tha Jews, an he wus bidin hïs time, waitin on tha Kïngdom o God tae cum. 52Joseph went tae Pilate an axt fer tha bodie o Jesus. 53An he tuk ït doon frae tha cross, lapt ït ïn lïnen claith, an layed ït ïn a tomb cut oot o tha roak, whar naebodie haed bin layed afore. 54An ït wus late ïn tha day on Friday, tha day fer gettin readie fer tha Sabbath. 55Tha weemen that haed cum wi Jesus frae Galilee follaed eftèr, an the' tuk heed o tha tomb an hoo hïs bodie wus layed oot thair. 56The' went awa an made up spices an ointments, an then the' stapt thair wark fer tha Sabbath day accoardin tae tha commaun o God.
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Luik 23: USNT

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