Jhone 3
Jesus an Nicodemus
1Noo thair wus yin o tha Pharisees caad Nicodemus, a memmer o tha Heich Cooncil o tha Jews. 2He cum tae Jesus at nicht an saed, “Rabbi, we ken ye'r a taicher that haes cum frae God, fer naebodie cud wark these signs ye ir daein ïf God wusnae wi hïm.” 3Jesus saed bak tae hïm, “A'm tellin ye tha truith, naebodie wull see tha Kïngdom o God, ïf he ïsnae boarn agane.” 4“Hoo cud ye get boarn agane whaniver ye'r aareadie oul?” Nicodemus axt. “Shair ye cudnae gang bak ïntae yer mither's wame, an be boarn agane, cud ye!” 5Jesus answert, “A'm tellin ye tha truith, naebodie can get ïntae tha Kïngdom o God ïf he ïsnae boarn o wattèr an tha Spïrit. 6Whut's boarn o tha flesh ïs flesh, but whut's boarn o tha Spïrit ïs Spïrit. 7Dïnnae be tuk bak whaniver A tell ye, yis maun be boarn agane. 8Tha wun blaas whutiver airt ït wants. Ye hear tha sugh o ït, but ye dïnnae ken whar ït's cum frae, ner whar ït's gaun tae. It's tha same wi iveriebodie that's boarn o tha Spïrit.” 9Nicodemus saed bak tae hïm, “Weel, hoo cud that be?” 10“Wi you bein a taicher o Israel,” saed Jesus, “ye'd thïnk ye wud unnèrstan these thïngs! 11A'm tellin ye tha truith, whut we ir tellin ye aboot, ïs baith whut we ken an whut we hae wutnesst, but yous fowk dïnnae tak onie heed o iz. 12Whan A hae toul ye aboot tha thïngs o tha irth, an yis dïnnae tak ma wurd fer ït, hoo ir ye gaun tae believe whan A taak aboot tha thïngs o heiven? 13Naebodie haes iver gan up tae heiven apairt frae tha yin that ïs cum doon frae heiven - tha Sinn o Man [wha ïs ïn heiven]. 14But jist as Moses püt up tha sarpent on a poul ïn tha wuldèrness, tha Sinn o Man maun be lïftit up tae; 15Sae that iveriebodie that believes on hïm [wull no perish], but wull hae ayelastin life. 16Fer God loved tha warl that much, that he gien hïs yin an ainlie Sinn, sae that whaiver pits thair trust ïn hïm wull no be loast, but wull leeve fer ivermair. 17Fer God niver sent hïs Sinn ïntae tha warl fer tae judge ït, but rether fer tae save ït. 18Oniebodie that believes on hïm ïs no condemned, but oniebodie that daesnae believe ïs aareadie condemned, fer he haesnae believed on tha name o God's yin an ainlie Sinn. 19An thïs ïs tha judgemen: that tha licht haes cum ïntae tha warl, but men wud rether hae tha dairk ner tha licht on accoont o thair wrangdaeins. 20Iverie wrangdaer haits tha licht, an the'll no cum ïntae tha licht fer fear thair wrangdaeins wull be fun oot. 21But oniebodie that leeves bi tha truith cums ïntae tha licht, sae ït's oot ïn tha apen fer aa tae see, that whut he haes daen wus God's daein.”
Jhone gies wutness aboot Jesus agane
22Eftèr thïs, Jesus an hïs follaers cum ïntae tha kintrie o Judea whar he stapt a wheen o days alang wi thaim, an baptised fowks. 23Weel, Jhone wus baptisin fowk forbye, at Aenon nearhan Salim, fer thair wus wattèr a-plentie thair an fowks wus cumin lukkin baptised. 24(But thïs wus afore Jhone wus püt ïntae jail.)
25Twarthie o Jhone's follaers haed wurds wi a Jew ower rïtual waashin. 26The' cum tae Jhone an saed, “Rabbi, ye mine thon man that wus wi ye on tha ither side o tha Joardan - ye ken tha yin ye toul iz aboot - weel, he ïs baptisin, an the' ir aa flockin tae hïm!” 27Jhone saed bak tae thaim, “Naebodie can get ocht, less ït's gien tae hïm frae heiven. 28Shair yis know yersels, A toul yis strecht; ‘A'm no tha Christ, A wus jist sent aheid o hïm.’ 29Tha bridegruim's tha yin that tha bride belangs tae. Still an aa, tha freen lukkin eftèr hïm stans alangside o hïm an bes gye gled tae lïsten tae tha soon o hïs voice. Noo A'm owercum wi joy masel. 30He maun growe bïgger, an A maun get smaaer.”
31Tha Yin that cums frae abain ïs abain aa; tha yin that ïs frae tha irth belangs tae tha irth an taaks aboot tha thïngs o tha irth. Tha yin that cums frae heiven ïs abain aa. 32He's toul thaim whut aa he haes saen an heerd, but naebodie taks onie heed. 33Tha yin that daes tak heed o ït, tha same yin wud warrant that God spakes tha truith. 34Tak tent, tha yin that God haes sent taaks tha wurds o God, fer thair's nae lïmit tae tha Spïrit God gies hïm. 35Tha Faither loves tha Sinn an haes gien aa thïngs ïntae hïs han. 36An oniebodie that pits thair belief ïn tha Sinn haes ayelastin life, but oniebodie that turns thair bak on tha Sinn winnae see life, but tha wrath o God hings ower hïm.
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