Revelation 17

The Great Prostitute and the Beast
1Then #ch. 21:9 one of the seven angels who had #ch. 15:7 the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of #ch. 19:2; Nah. 3:4; [Isa. 1:21; Jer. 2:20] the great prostitute #ver. 15; [Jer. 51:13]who is seated on many waters, 2#ch. 18:3, 9; [Isa. 23:17] with whom the kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality, and #ch. 14:8; Jer. 51:7 with the wine of whose sexual immorality #See ch. 3:10the dwellers on earth have become drunk.” 3And #ch. 21:10 he carried me away in the Spirit #ch. 12:6, 14 into a wilderness, and I saw a woman sitting on #[ch. 12:3] a scarlet beast that was full of #ch. 13:1 blasphemous names, and #ver. 7, 9, 12it had seven heads and ten horns. 4The woman #ch. 18:16 was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned #Dan. 11:38 with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand #Jer. 51:7; [ch. 18:6]a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality. 5And on her forehead was written a name of #ver. 7; 2 Thess. 2:7 mystery: #See ch. 14:8“Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth’s abominations.” 6And I saw the woman, drunk #ch. 16:6; [ch. 13:15] with the blood of the saints, the blood of #ch. 2:13the martyrs of Jesus.#17:6 Greek the witnesses to Jesus
When I saw her, I marveled greatly. 7But the angel said to me, “Why do you marvel? I will tell you #ver. 5the mystery of the woman, and of the beast with seven heads and ten horns that carries her. 8The beast that you saw #ver. 11; [ch. 1:4; 13:3] was, and is not, and #ch. 11:7 is about to rise from #See ch. 9:1 the bottomless pit#17:8 Greek the abyss and #ch. 13:10 go to destruction. And #See ch. 3:10 the dwellers on earth whose names have not been written in #See ch. 3:5the book of life from the foundation of the world will marvel to see the beast, because #ver. 11; [ch. 1:4; 13:3] it was and is not and is to come. 9#[ch. 13:18]This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated; 10they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he does come he must remain only a little while. 11As for the beast #ver. 8; [ch. 11:17]that was and is not, it is an eighth but it belongs to the seven, and it goes to destruction. 12And #ver. 16; Dan. 7:24; [ch. 13:1; Zech. 1:18-21] the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings #[ch. 18:10, 17, 19]for one hour, together with the beast. 13These are of one mind, and they hand over their power and authority to the beast. 14They #See ch. 16:14 will make war on the Lamb, and #See ch. 3:21 the Lamb will conquer them, for he is #ch. 19:16; Deut. 10:17; Ps. 136:3; Dan. 2:47; 1 Tim. 6:15; [ch. 1:5; Matt. 28:18; Acts 10:36] Lord of lords and #ch. 19:16; Deut. 10:17; Ps. 136:3; Dan. 2:47; 1 Tim. 6:15; [ch. 1:5; Matt. 28:18; Acts 10:36] King of kings, and those with him are #See ch. 2:10; Luke 18:7 (Gk.); Rom. 1:6called and chosen and faithful.”
15And the angel#17:15 Greek he said to me, #ver. 1; [Isa. 8:7]“The waters that you saw, where the prostitute is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and languages. 16And #See ver. 12 the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast #[Jer. 50:41, 42] will hate the prostitute. They will make her #ch. 18:17, 19 desolate and #Ezek. 16:37, 39 naked, and #[ch. 19:18] devour her flesh and #ch. 18:8; [Lev. 21:9]burn her up with fire, 17for #2 Cor. 8:16 God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and #[2 Thess. 2:11]handing over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. 18And the woman that you saw is #ch. 16:19the great city that has dominion over the kings of the earth.”

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Revelation 17: ESV





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