Tion 13
Tisase helo tukumo telc lioule ikelino wi hókaele, helo le
1Koto Isclele Liouko Lalou Kalokale fako helo ilikolelele nomo bokeyono, Tisase weneno fa beli tele. "Yo ele yana Aeyo moso meklio felelele bc towono you elelc." Tekoko weneno fa teoko, tei tu liou elele yano telele toko muku ae siofu teleto, tekomo komo siofu fe te feko te feko tc fe onuale.
2To fako ae welie ilikolelele moloko lowane bc boukemetano, Tisase helo le tukumo telc liou fafuo alasiele be tc iliko belele. Teko iliko beleleto, Setene Tiutase Isckelioto, Saimono helo lokono helo mukuno beli yale, Tisaseko helo bokowomele kamo baenokoko.
3Tane, be teko iliko beleleto, Tisase beli weneno fa tele. "Aeyo memeta helele emiele yowo kamo beli likoyale, yoko toko hekaeko tonokoko." Teko weneno fa teoko, weneno fei fa tc tele. "Yo Koto moso mena bofio bo wleale. Wó fei, yo Koto moso eiko fe toukomo." 4Tekoko weneno fa teoko, be belele seyauna tc seli héketele. Seli héketeoko, helo weno osukolc tc tio leanele. Tio leane bofuyeoko, áko boloo héoko, helo loo lofaneno tc flikane ele yale. 5Flikane eleoko, wi kaino tc uwokale. Uwokeoko, helo le tukumo telc liou ikelino tc tiosiko hékaele. Hékaeoko, wi bisi áko boloolo eikoko tc hékaele, hlolowálokoko.
6Hékaelelele hale ekae eikeoko, kimo Saimono Bita moso tc fele. Fewo, Bita tc kale. "Hano Welifle Weno, no yowo ikelino héunokemi o?" 7Kawo, Tisase wesiowe tc kale. "To wanowo yo emoto, no melou weneno fifiyakeyo tekokolc. Kimo bc wenenoyaikemi." 8Tisase "Kimo bc wenenoyaikemi" teko le kalelc, Bita tc kale. "Ei, no yowo ikelino hcbc héukemino! Nabeo, nabeo you!" Teko kawo tc kole. "Yo neleko hékeyo einoto, no yo fafuo hcbc hnowó teikemino." 9Teko kawo, wesiowe Saimono Bita tc kale. "Hano Welifle Weno, no yoko héukemito, ikelino komo héukemi! Ka nani fako hékae uwoko." 10Kawo, wesiowe Tisase tc kole. "Keli wilo emiele beli feameto, eikoko feolelele fakeya. To beli loweai you bc teme. Teko teme tekota, helo ikeli komo hélelele fa. Nobo tekoko lowane wanowo beli flauweanunu tekota nobo loweai you tc tomu. Tane, yo nobo loweai le teko koumoto, emieleko kakeyo. Nobo moso fiomo somoto, loweai fa tekeyo." 11Tane, Tisase teko kaleto, mome kakeyo. Teli beli weneno fa tele, to liou helo somo tei tuoko bokowomele kamo bc baeikekeme. Tekota to le tc kale. "Nobo somo loweai you tekeyo."
12Tisase ikelino hékaelelele hale ekae uwokeoko, helo osukolc eikoko tc hé osukale. Hé osukeoko, be belelele seyauno eiko bo keate wlele. Keateoko tc koule. "Yoweli ele ekaemo le helo tibu noboko ko fuaneinokomo. 13Nobo yoko teko ko ko omu. 'Olc weoulc lia. Olc welifle weno.' Teko ko ko omu leto, to mokeyu le. Yo nobo weoulc lia, yo nobo welifle weno tc temo. 14-15Tane, yo nobo welifle weno, nobo weoulc lia noboko teko ekaemoto, mome ekaekeyo. Ei, yo noboko teko weoumoto, wanowo yo ekaemo lowane, kimo nobeli haneno liou feiko wanowo sosowono yo ekaemo lowane tekoko lowane ekaeamukoko tc weoumo tane. Yo nobo weoulc lia, nobo welifle weno yowei tuoko eiko lele bo wlemoko, nobo ikelino hékae emo lowane, nobei tuoko tekoko lowane eiko lelekowábo wlonuko, nobo tekeiabo feiko ikelino wesi hékae wesi hékae elo."
16Teko kouoko tc koule. "Yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you koumo. Hale elc lia helo híto, helo heko telc welifle weno helo híko iyo tekiakeyo. Wó fei, welifle somo, helo ese liako ko weaikemeto, to ese lia helo híto, helo ko weolc weliflele híko iyo tekiakeyo. Sosowono tekoko lowane nobo híto, nobo welifle weno yowo híko iyo tekiakeyo. Iyo tekiakeyo tekota to lele bo wlelelele wanowo yo ekae e omo lowane, nobo toko hcbc koeamuno 'Olc welifle weno teko elelc, oleito hí weno, tekota olei tuoko hcbc lelekowábo wleabino.' Ei, teko koeamu. Yo emo lowane tc ekae elo. 17Wó tane, nobo nobei tuoko lelekowábo wlelelele weneno fa tonuko tc ekaeamuto, Koto noboko bc ukoukekeme, nobo lakene fa teamukoko."
18Kouoko tc koule. "Tane, yo noboko 'Koto bc ukoukeme' le teko koumoto, yo nobo emieleko kokeyo. Yo belimo noboko alookaeale, yowo le tukumo telc liou tolokoko, yo noboko teko alookaealeto, yo beli weneno fa teale, nobo halekoko liou tonunu. Tekoko weneno fa teoko, yoko kimo halekamo seaikeme lokono, to lia fako tc alookeale. Yo toko teko alookealeto, yo mome ekeyo. Koto helo le ko fuanelc liou yoko eikeme le neneleleto, to le sosowono tekoko lowane uwofunokoko, yo to lia fako tc alookeale. Koto helo le teko nenelele.#13.18 Sng 41.9 'To lia yowo wiao lowane be yo fafuo beko temeto, to teli yowo bokowo bc bokwame tane.' To le nenelele lowane fifino bo uwofunokoko, yo to lia fako tc alookeale."
19Tisase teko kouoko tc koule. "Yo noboko mome koukeyo. Ei. To lia eikeme wanowo nomo uwofukeyonoto, helo le tc ko fuanemo. Kimo to le yo ko fuanemo lowane fifino uwofuno, nobo yoko nomo mokeyu molalekoko teamukoko tc ko fuanemo. Tekokotano teko tc koeamukoko. 'Tisase, tei tuoko "Yowelito, yoweli," kaleto, to mokeyu le kale.' Kimo yoko tekoko molaleko teamukoko, yo to liale le noboko beli ko fuane baemo."
20Teko kouoko, le fei tc koule. "Yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you koumo. Yo liouko yowo hale fe olokoko kou wlaenao feabeto, keli to liouko lineko, sao baeikemeto, to komo sao hcbc baeikemeno. Yoko fato sao aboukekeme. Wó fei, yo komo hcbc aboukemeno. Yoko ko weolc Liako fa sao bc neeikekeme." Tisase teko tc koule.
Tisase Tiutase bc eikeme le ko fuanele, helo le
(Matiu 26.20-25, Mak 14.17-21, Luk 22.21-23)
21Tisase teko koule helo kimo helo mukuno teimabi tc héle. Teimabi héoko, teli moso bo uwofukeme le fifino tc yale. Teko tc koule. "Yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you koumo. Nobo moso fio mena somo yoko yowo bokowomele kamo bc baeikekeme." 22Teko kawo, helo le tukumo telc liou to le leleleko, helo mukuno ilikoloyaleko, "To keliko kame?" "To keliko kame?" le teli haneno teko leletikaeko telele. Wenenoyakeyo tekota, mene wesi efe nane obo nane eko telele, teli haneno wenenoyeabikoko. 23Teko eko teleleto, Tisase helo tukumo telc lia somo muku ae ele, to Tisase helo kwinitino towono you keatele. 24To towono you teko keatele tekota Saimono Bita to liako nanilo tc eikafe imekole, to lia Tisaseko leletianokoko "No keliko kami?" 25Saimono teko ewo, to lia nani efeoko, Tisaseko tc leletiale. "Welifle Weno, no keliko kami?" 26Teko leletiawo Tisase wesiowe tc hábeale. "Yo teko eikomo. Towe heo hénoko, be haole wino leiyonoko, yo to liako tc neeikomo." Teko koeoko, towe haole wino tc leiyo neele, Saimono helo lokono Tiutase Isckeliotoko.
27Tiutase to towe heo bc héwo, Setene Tiutasele halio kemo tc séko fele. Séko fewo tane, Tisase Tiutaseko tc kole. "Sei, to wanowo einokemito, akomo fe e!" 28Tisase to liako "No akomo fe e" teko kale leto, to be seyauno kekowólc liou fei emiele lelelelelc, to le helo tibu fifiyakeyo. 29Helo tibu fifiyakeyo tekota muku fei fei tc elele. Tiutase to lioule tobeki heko te elc lia tele tekota teko tc úlele. "Olc be fei kaeyame fao, tekota toko tc ko weame, be fei fe foweko li bonokoko? Toko teko kame o, to tobeki mome telc liouko li fe baenokoko ko weame?" 30Teko úko tolo, Tiutase to towe tasi hé beoko tane, akomo to liouko lukofiaeoko, fifimo bíkolcno tc fe wle fele.
Tisase helo le tukumo telc liouko ifei le toto baele, helo le
31Tiutase fifimo séko fewo tane, Tisase helo le tukumo telc liou feiko tc koule. "Yo Lioule Halio Ke Mena Lokono, yowo hí weno hé tolelele helo fako bc melou ele bo uwofume tane. Hale yo melou einoto, to hale tolo, yo Koto helo hí we youno bc hé to yaikomo. 32Yo Koto helo hí ae we youno teko hé to yainoto, Koto teli yowo hí we youno bc hé toukekeme. Tebita komo tekoko lowane bc eikekeme."
33Teko kouoko tc koule. "Yowo lokokome, yo nobo fafuo wio you komo teikomo. Wio you tenoko tc lukofiae feikomo. Noboko teko lukofiae feinoto, nobo yoko bc lulukeamulc, hcbc luluko naneamuno. Yo Tiuta weliweliko fa beli kouale lowane, noboko fa sosowono le tc koumo. To fiomo yo feinoto, nobo temo fiomo hcbc boamuno."
34Teko kouko tc koule. "Yo noboko ifei le toto baeikomo. Sosowono yowo muku ae nobo moso siofu te te e omo lowane, teko elo. Nobo nobeli haneno liouko muku wesi siofu te wesi siofu te, teko ekaeko telo. 35Tane, nobo nobeli haneno liouko muku wesi siofu te wesi siofu te teko ekaenuao, keli liou emiele fei noboko teko lalouleko, bc wenenoyeabekebe. 'Woso mokeyu! To Tisase helo tukumo telc liou you!' Tekoko le bc koeabekebe." Tisase helo liouko teko koule.
Tisase Bitako kale "Yoko seli le ko hluelcyaikekemi," helo le
(Matiu 26.31-35, Mak 14.27-31, Luk 22.31-34)
36Saimono Bita Tisase helo le leleoko tc kale. "Welifle Weno, no hobomo fiomo feikemiko?" Teko kawo, Tisase tc kole. "No melou yo feino fiomo hcbc kliko boukemino. Melou hcbc eikemino tekokolc, kimo no yoko bc kliko boukekemi." 37Teko kawo Bita tc kale. "To metako, no yoko melou hcbc kliko boukemi le kamito? Yo neleko ukeleleleno onuainoto, to you!" 38Teko kawo, Tisase wesiowe tc hábeale. "No teko kami. 'Yo neleko ukeleleleno onuainoto, to you.' Teko kami tekokolc. Yo neleko mokeyu le kounokomo. Kakaluku le nomo kowákeyono, no yoko bc ko hluelcyaikekemi. 'Yo to liako seli.' Teko bc ko hluelcyaikekemi." Bitako teko ko neele.
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Tion 13: SIA

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