Matthew 8

Jesus Ye Hachuya Yael Semal Mal Tomay
(Mark 1:40–45; Luke 5:12–16)
1Yodwe yela bidiy Jesus mo wol tayit we ngo ye feraketaw yarmat le resa dabey. 2Iwe sala budoh semal mal irel le ye pachngali mesel pekel, sa hasubugudiy mo imol sa kangalu bo, “Hare ye fel mo lal depom le hobe hachuya mesel pekel le mo uwoy ngo hosa hachuya.”
3Jesus sa cchangloh sala yangsi mal we ngo sa kangalu bo, “Ye fel mo lal depey, bele chuy mesla mo uwom!” Irel yodwe chog ngo sa chuyloh mesel pekel we mo uwol mal we. 4Iwe Jesus sa kangalu bo, “Talenga! Tor le hobe kangalu mele isa faor ngalug, ngo ligdi bo hobe loh irel temarong we bo ye bela kemahoh. Ngo hosa fang maligach we Moses ye sor, le ila mele bele mel le yam tugul ngalir pangal yarmat le sa chuy mesel pekel mo uwom.”#Lv 14:1–32
Jesus Ye Hachuya Yal Tomay Semal Boy Le Lol Semal Tamol Saldawel Roma
(Luke 7:1–10)
5Yodwe Jesus yela hola doh Capernaum, ngo yesa budoh semal Tamol saldawel Roma irel, sa hafalpechey bo be tipingi: 6“Samol, boy la yai ila sa yol chog irel mala imwey le sa kkel yal tomay, le tay yoh le be mmagudgud ngo sa kkel yal hafohoy.”
7Iwe Jesus sa sor bo, “Ibele loh ibela hachuya yal tomay.”
8Saldaw we sa sor bo, “Aa yeb, tor kofay le hobe budoh irel imwla imwey bo mele chog hobe sor yalom, ngo boy la yai ila be chuy yal tomay. 9Ngang mwo ngo yor tot saldaw le re tagiyet mo imoy, ngo yor tot le re totol: ibe kangalu iye semal bo, ‘Ho loh!’ ngo be loh, ngo ibe kangalu ila semal bo, ‘Budoh!’ ngo yebe budoh; ngo ibe kangalu boy la yai bo, ‘Foru mele!’ ngo yema foru.”
10Ye lluwdah Jesus irel meka sa rongrong, ngo sa kangalur rechokwe re dedabey bo, “Ibe kangalugmi le ited wiri mwo semal mo wol Israel le, le iye lepal kkelel yal tugul. 11Ibe hatugulu ngalugmi le ye cholop yarmat le rebe budoh mo rel laeng la meteral mo meldow le rebe maroro lengchel Abraham, mo Isaac, mo Jacob irel mala Lamliyel Laeng.#Lk 13:29 12Iwe ngo rechokla medalbo rebe mel irel lobola Lamliyel Laeng, ila re bele ppedirwey mo iyang re bela mel luwul rochupung, re bela tetang ngo re ketangtingi ngir mo iyang.”#Mt 22:13; 25:30; Lk 13:28 13Iwe Jesus sa kangalu tamol saldaw we bo, “Tefal loh llubugtam, bo mekla hosa chepar iyang, ila bele yoh ngalug.”
Irel yodwe chog ngo sa chuy yael boy we tomay.
Ye Cholop Yarmat Le Jesus Ye Hachuya Yar Tomay
(Mark 1:29–34; Luke 4:38–41)
14Jesus ye loh irel molwe bugtal Pedrus ngo sala wiri sil molwe ril Pedrus le ye mel wol bet bo ye tomay le ye kkel bichikeral mala gil. 15Jesus ye yangsi molwe paol ngo ye chuyloh molwe bichikeral, iwe sa chemdah chog sala kemahoy mele be hammal ngal Jesus.
16Yela lefhafdoh ngo ye cholop rechokla yor moniyan uwor le yarmat re hasirdoh irel Jesus. Hal sepad chog hapatpat le Jesus ye sor, ngo ye chuyloh moniyan kowe mo uwor. Ngo ye hachuya yar tomay rechoka re tomay. 17Ye foru mele bo fal mala bela llahloh le ye katos mokwe profeta Isaiah ye sor irel bo, “Ye hachuya yach tomay ngo wol hachuya maes mo uwoch.”#Is 53:4
Rechokwe Re Dipli Bo Rebe Dabey Jesus
18Jesus ye wiri buwa we yesa ttey ngali ngo sa kangalur mokwe re dabeyal bo rebe loh mo rel chaelwe sere. 19Sala budoh semal mokwe sensel Hatobtob we ngo sa kangalu Jesus bo, “Sensey, isa fel le te tugul solbos le hobe loh iyang ngo ibe daboh.”
20Jesus sa sor bo, “Fox mwo ngo yor ngeter, ngo mael yeyal ka ngo yor hafter, ngo mala Layur Retalop ila tor solbos le be yoldiy mo iyang bo yebe hasoso.”
21Ye mel semal mokwe re dabeyal le ye kangalu Jesus bo, “Sensey, widyey ibe tefael loh ibela leba mala temay.”
22Jesus sa sor bo, “Dabeyey, ligdir chomes rebe leba yar mes.”
Jesus Ye Hapassoloh Setab Laeng
(Mark 4:35–41; Luke 8:22–25)
23Jesus mo mokwe re dabeyal re dage seyay boat. 24Re tedaploh chog ngo sa kkel doh sew yaeng lal laom we, ngo sa mmel bele moos boat we. Irel yodle ngo Jesus ye masor. 25Mokwe re dabeyal resa fangludah ngo resa kangalu bo, “Samol, hadoragich. Igla ila si bele mes!”
26Jesus sa sor bo, “Meda mele hasa rusmes iyang? Tehal sugfed yami tugul!” Iwe yesa sudah sa kangalu yaeng mo law bo rebe posoloh, iwe sala malululoh.
27Pangerloh ngo re lluwdah. Iwe resa sor bo, “Yarmat meda mele? Yaeng mo law mwo ngo rema talenga yalol!”
Jesus Ye Hachuya Moniyan Mo Uwor Rumal Mal
(Mark 5:1–20; Luke 8:26–39)
28Ye budoh Jesus irel mokwe faluyel Gadara le ye mel rel chael we rewe sere, sala chungur rumal mal le re buyoy mo luwul tot peey. Rechoka ila yor moniyan uwor ngo ye kkel yar melad. Ila fal le tayor le yema mechal bo yebe dabedoh yalap le. 29Irel yodla chog ngo resa ttawul le re sor bo, “Gel mala lol Deus, meda mele hosa luluwaley ngalugmem? Hosa budoh le hobe fang yamem hagerger mo imol yodla rebe hagerugmem iyang?”
30Ye mel sew pulgul pabiy le re momongoy le re te ddawloh. 31Iwe moniyan kowe resa hafalpechey Jesus le re sor bo, “Hare ho bele ddabohmem loh mo uwor rechoka, ilang ngo hosa fangloh hamem ha bela mel uwor pabiy kalay.”
32Jesus sa kangalur bo, “Ha loh,” Iwe resa chuy re sala mel uwor pabiy kowe. Iwe ngo panger pabiy kowe ngo resa hamdawey mo wol metal hohyal we resa pungdiy lal chaelwe re sala malom loh.
33Iwe resa ddar rechokwe re kekammaler pabiy kowe resa loh luwul haplom, re sala kapta ngalir yarmat pangal mokwe resa wiri mo molwe ye wel ngal mal we rumal we yor moniyan uwor. 34Iwe pangal yarmetal haplom we ngo resa loh irel Jesus; ngo yodwe rela wiri ngo resa hafalpechey bo yebe chuy mo woal molwe faluyer.

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Matthew 8: ULI





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