Isaiah 62

God Delights in Zion
1For Zion’s sake, how can I keep silent?
For Jerusalem’s sake, how can I remain quiet?
I will keep interceding until her righteousness
breaks forth like the blazing light of dawn
and her salvation like a burning torch!
2Nations will see your victory-vindication,
and every king will witness your blinding radiance!
You will be called by a brand-new name, # 62:2 A new name signifies a new nature, a new character, and a new authority. See Gen. 32:28; Rev. 2:17; 3:12.
given to you from the mouth of Yahweh himself.
3You will be a beautiful crown held high in the hand of Yahweh,
a royal crown # 62:3 Or “diadem.” of splendor
held in the open palm of your God!
4You will never again be called the Abandoned One,
nor will your land be called Deserted.
But you will be called My Delight Is in You, # 62:4 Or “Hephzibah.” See 2 Kings 21:1.
and your land My Beloved Wife, # 62:4 In an allegorical sense, Yahweh’s wife (Israel) foreshadows Christ’s relationship with his bride, the church (see 2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:22–23; Rev. 19:7–9).
for Yahweh finds his delight in you
and he married your land.
5As a young man marries the young woman he loves,
so your builder-sons # 62:5 Isaiah used a homonym that can mean “builders” or “sons.” will marry you.
As the bridegroom finds joy in his union with his bride,
so will your God take joy in his union with you!
6Jerusalem, I have stationed intercessors on your walls
who will never be silent, day or night.
You “reminders” # 62:6 Or “rememberers”; that is, those who intercede continually to remind God of his promises. Like divine administrators, we remind God of the promises and appointments he must keep. of Yahweh, take no rest,
7and tirelessly give God no rest,
until he firmly establishes Jerusalem
and makes her the praise of all the earth!
8Yahweh swears an oath by the authority of his right hand
and by his mighty arm:
“I will never again give your new grain as food for your enemies,
nor will foreigners drink your new wine
that you worked hard to produce.
9Instead, you who harvest it will eat it
and offer your praise to Yahweh,
and you who gather the grapes
will drink the new wine in my holy courts.” # 62:9 The grain and the new wine can be symbols of the Word and the Spirit, respectively.
10Pass through, pass through the gates,
and go from old to new.
Prepare a new path for the people.
Build! Build up a highway for them to come to me!
Remove every hindrance # 62:10 Or “stone.”
and unfurl a banner for the nations!
11See? Yahweh has proclaimed to the ends of the earth:
Tell my daughter, Zion,
“Look, here comes your Deliverer!
See? He’s bringing his reward,
and his recompense goes before him.”
12They will be called His Holy People,
The Redeemed of Yahweh.
And you will be known as Those Whom God Loves, # 62:12 John identified himself as the one whom Jesus loved, and so can we. See John 13:23.
A City Not Abandoned.

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Isaiah 62: TPT





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