Isaiah 52

Zion Rejoicing
1Wake up! Open your eyes!
Beautiful Zion, put on your majestic strength!
Jerusalem, the sacred city,
put on your glory garments!
Never again will the unclean # 52:1 Or “uncircumcised.” For the believer today, unclean and detestable thoughts should not enter our souls nor be in our minds (gates). enter your gates!
2Arise and shake # 52:2 The Hebrew word na’ar means “shaking out [of a lion’s mane]” or “shaking up and down” and is a homophone for “to growl [like a lion’s roar].” See Jer. 51:38. off your dust! # 52:2 This dust can also include our “dust nature” received from Adam (see 1 Cor. 15:47–49). We need to crucify it and be clothed with Christ. Part of Satan’s curse is that he was to eat dust (see Gen. 3:14). Whatever we withhold from God becomes food for the serpent. We must shake off (overcome) the “dust” of our old life and rise up in our new life, enthroned with Jesus Christ (see Rom. 8:30; Eph. 2:16; Rev. 3:21).
Sit enthroned, Jerusalem!
Break off your shackles of bondage from your neck,
you captive daughter of Zion!
3For this is what Yahweh has to say:
“You were sold for nothing;
now you will be redeemed without any payment.”
4For Yahweh says:
“Long ago, my people went down to Egypt
and lived as foreigners there,
and for no good reason Assyria oppressed them.
5And now, what have I here?” says Yahweh.
“Indeed, my people have been taken into bondage without cause
while mocking rulers howl; and every day
my name is continually despised!” # 52:5 See Rom. 2:4. says Yahweh.
6“Therefore, my people will know the power of my name,
and they will know in that day
that I am the one who promised them, saying,
‘Behold, I am here!’ ” # 52:6 Or “Behold, it is I!”
7What a beautiful sight to behold—
the precious feet of the messenger
coming over the mountains to announce good news!
He comes to refresh us with wonderful news, # 52:7 The messenger (singular) here becomes a company of messengers in Rom. 10:15. We are told to proclaim the wonderful news—not the bad news that brings despair and fear but the good news of our God, who reigns in the midst of his people.
announcing salvation # 52:7 This Hebrew word is remarkably similar to Yeshua, the name of Jesus. to Zion and saying,
“Your Mighty God reigns!”
8Listen! The watchmen are shouting in triumph!
Lifting their voices together, they are singing for joy!
For right before their eyes, they can see # 52:8 Or “They see face-to-face.”
Yahweh returning to Zion!
9Burst into joyous songs, you rubble of Jerusalem!
For Yahweh has graciously comforted his people;
he has become the Kinsman-Redeemer of Jerusalem!
10Yahweh has unveiled his holy arm # 52:10 This is a metaphor for God’s displaying his righteous power. There is a sense in which Jesus Christ can be seen as God’s holy arm, which God has unveiled to the nations. The miracles of Jesus, his sacrificial death on the cross, and his mighty resurrection were God flexing his muscles, his holy arm. See John 12:37–38; Rom. 10:16.
before the eyes of all the nations.
To the ends of the earth, everyone everywhere
will see the salvation of our God!
11Go! Go, and leave Babylon behind!
Touch nothing unclean as you depart.
Keep your life pure as you leave,
you who carry the vessels # 52:11 Or “armor-bearers.” “Vessels” can also be translated “armor” or “[temple] vessels.” of Yahweh!
12You will neither have to leave in haste,
nor will you make a frantic escape,
for your God, Yahweh, will go before you.
He will lead you each step and be your rear guard.
The Despised Servant
13“Look! My servant # 52:13 This section of Isaiah is perhaps the greatest description of the life, crucifixion, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, apart from the four Gospels. Up to this point in Isaiah’s writings, the “Servant” has been described as the true Prophet, Teacher, and victorious Redeemer, with no hint whatsoever that his activity would be interrupted by death. But in this section we find him as the unparalleled Suffering Servant and Sin-Bearer who died for us. The prophecy found here is the most remarkable in all of the Old Testament of the sufferings of Jesus Christ and the glory that followed (see 1 Peter 1:11). Isaiah 52:13 through Isa. 53 is quoted in all four Gospels, Acts, Romans, and 1 Peter. It is the epicenter of the gospel. will prosper and succeed! # 52:13 Or “act wisely” or “prosper,” likely a metonymy for “succeed.”
He will be highly honored, raised up, and greatly exalted! # 52:13 This is an obvious reference to God’s Servant-Savior, Jesus, who was raised from the dead and highly exalted at the right hand of God. See Phil. 2:5–11.
14Just as many were appalled at the sight of him
(for so marred was his appearance, like an object of horror;
he no longer looked like a man),
15so now he will startle # 52:15 Or “sprinkle many nations” or “Many nations will marvel at him” (LXX). The words startle and sprinkle share a homonymic root. The idea is that Jesus would sprinkle to cleanse many with his redeeming blood and also that he would startle the nations with his resurrection power and endless life. many nations.
Kings # 52:15 This word could refer to both human and demonic kings. will be shocked speechless before him.
For they will now see a sight unheard of,
and things never considered before now fill their thoughts.” # 52:15 See Rom. 15:21. Verses 13–15 present Christ as an exalted King, a High Priest who cleanses, and a Prophet who reveals the secrets of God to men.

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Isaiah 52: TPT





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