Soro BibleProject na Ngwá Baịbụl.

Jiri ekwentị mkpanaaka gị nyochaa koodu QR ka ị budata Ngwá Baịbụl.
Budata Ngwá Baịbụl Ugbu A
Adịghị akwụ ụgwọ ọbụla iji ya wee mee ihe chaa chaa. Enweghị ihe mgbasa ozi n'enye ego ma ọ bụ azụmahịa ọbụla dị na ya site ugbu a ruo ebighị ebi.
Gbasara BibleProject
We're a non-profit creating free videos that help people engage with Scripture on a deeper level. We believe the Bible is telling one unified story that leads to Jesus and has wisdom to offer our world. We make videos about different books of the Bible, introducing people to their literary design and flow of thought, and also about core themes that unite the entire biblical story.