Matthew 9:37-38
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
Than said he till his disciples “The hairst is maist abundant, but the hairst‐folk are few! “Pray ye to the Maister oʼ the hairst, that he may send oot laborers intil his hairst!”
Lee anya n'etiti ihe abụọ
Nyochaa Matthew 9:37-38
Matthew 9:13
“But gang ye and learn what that sets forth, ‘I wad suner hae mercie nor sacrifeece; for I am‐na come to caʼ the richtous, but sinners.”
Nyochaa Matthew 9:13
Matthew 9:36
But whan he lookit on the thrangs, he was fuʼ oʼ compassion, for they war in distress and war scattered, as sheep wantin a shepherd.
Nyochaa Matthew 9:36
Matthew 9:12
Noo Jesus heard; and quoʼ he to them, “Itʼs no the hale anes that need the leech, but thae that are ill.
Nyochaa Matthew 9:12
Matthew 9:35
And Jesus gaed aboot aʼ the touns and villages, teachin iʼ their kirks, and makin kent the Blythe‐message oʼ the Kingdom, and healin aʼ kinds oʼ sickness, and every ill amang aʼ the folk.
Nyochaa Matthew 9:35
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