John 21:15-17

John 21:15-17 OYBCENGL

and when they did finish eating breakfast, says Yehoshua to Simon Peter: Simon son of Jonah, (question) do you me love more than the these? says he to him: yes, L-rd, you (SG) know, that I do you love. says he to him: feed my lambs. again for the second time says he to him: Simon son of Jonah, (question) do you me love? says he to him: yes, L-rd, you (SG) know, that I do you love. says he to him: feed my sheep. for the third time says he to him: Simon son of Jonah, (question) do you me love? is Peter grieved become, because he did to him say for the third time: (question) do you me love? and he did to him say: L-rd, you (SG) know everything; you (SG) know, that I do you love. says Yehoshua to him: feed my sheep.