Harmincegy Igazság: Ki vagyok én Krisztusban?Minta

Thirty-One Truths: Who I Am in Christ

46. NAP A(Z) 58-BÓL/-BŐL

MADE PART OF ONE NEW MAN Jews and Gentiles were once separated. But now as the Jew and the Gentile both approach God through Jesus Christ, there is unity between them. READ: Ephesians 2:14-15 READ: Romans 3:29-30 and Romans 15:1-12 Being united in the body of Christ means that old hostilities due to different backgrounds must be laid aside. We are one in Christ; He is our peace. In Christ, how can you walk in unity with all believers? What are some ways you can reach out to another believer of a different background to express the unity we have in Christ? WRONG THINKING: It’s us versus them. RIGHT THINKING: Christ has torn down the walls between people of different backgrounds. This person who is different from me is my brother in Christ.

A tervről

Thirty-One Truths: Who I Am in Christ

A Thistlebend Ministries olvasóterve bepillantást nyújt abba, miként ábrázolja az Efezusiaknak írt levél első és második fejezete Krisztusban kapott új identitásunkat. A terv egyben ösztönöz is minket arra, hogy még teljesebben éljük meg a Krisztusban elnyert új ember jellemvonásait.


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