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Jesus Changes Lives
The night Jesus was born, the shepherds became His first witnesses. Imagine how the news spread from person to person. Bethlehem was full of tired travelers, and it would have been hard to ignore the shepherds’ wonder and excitement.
From His birth to His ascension, Jesus changed the lives of all who experienced Him. Because His love changes what it touches, He is still impacting our world. And through those of us who have been transformed by His love, He continues to reach the lost with His message of new life. Like the shepherds that first Christmas, we are His messengers.
What is your story of how Jesus changed your life? What greater gift could you offer than to share His love with those who are hurting or aimlessly searching?
Today, celebrate His birth—and all the ways He has showed you His unconditional love. Then go tell others that they, too, are perfectly loved by Him.
Activity: Share the good news of great joy! Tell someone about Jesus and the impact He’s had on your life.
Discover more reading plans like this one at intouch.org/plans.
A tervről

Egy csendes éjjelen, kétezer évvel ezelőtt, birkáikat békésen legeltető pásztorok egy csoportjának hozott hírt egy angyali sereg a Megváltó születéséről. A hír hallatán, ezek a pásztorok mindent hátrahagyva siettek megtalálni a jászolba fektetett kisdedet Bethlehem városában. Pár ezer év múltával a meghívás ugyanúgy él. Gyere, tégy egy utazást Dr. Charles Stanleyvel, aki segíteni szeretne közelebb kerülnöd Megváltódhoz, és arra biztat, nyugodj meg te is mennyei Atyád szeretetében, így, karácsony idején.