The Way of Love in a World of Hurt: A 5-Day Reading PlanMinta

The Way of Love in a World of Hurt: A 5-Day Reading Plan

5. NAP A(Z) 5-BÓL/-BŐL

In the same way, we cultivate the earth to prepare it for plants to thrive, we are to cultivate our relationships with others. Just as we prune the dead growth from plants, we are to prune the parts of ourselves that are not consistent with God’s Word. Relationships are tough. There are hurt feelings and misunderstandings. There are harsh words or words left unsaid. But does that mean we should hide away or keep a distance from others to avoid the messiness of relationships?

Scripture tells us no. God knows that we are messy, imperfect people. But He also knows that we can best experience Him in relationship. He cares about our hurts. But even when we are hurt, He commands us, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” (Rom. 12:18). Though we can’t control what others say and do or how they respond to us, we can do our part to work toward redemption in broken relationships. We can choose to forgive and cultivate the relationship with kindness. We can examine ourselves and prune away the pride, anger, or frustration. By doing so, we will be a light to others, showing them a better way to love.

Consider: Is there a relationship in your life that needs redeeming? Is there something you can do this week to begin the process of restoring that relationship? Granted, there are harmful relationships that require a safe distance or those that are currently not healthy to be a part of, but if there is someone to whom you need to reach out, ask God to give you the courage and wisdom to do so.


Is there a specific relationship in your life that needs cultivation or restoration? How can you actively participate in pruning away negativity and cultivating a relationship that reflects God's love?


Lord, guide me in cultivating my relationships with others. Grant me the strength to forgive, the humility to examine myself, and the wisdom to contribute to the restoration of broken relationships. Help me be a light that reflects Your love in my interactions with others. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Nap 4