[Give Thanks] Thank You, God!Minta

[Give Thanks] Thank You, God!

3. NAP A(Z) 4-BÓL/-BŐL

Thank God for a New Nature

Because of Christ’s great sacrifice on our behalf, we are no longer the persons we were. When we accepted Christ, God’s nature in us was reborn.

In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, He made us in His image. He intended for His human creation to have His nature. The enemy, referred to in Genesis 3 as the serpent, came into the Garden of Eden and cunningly caused the first humans, Adam and Eve, to turn away from God. The moment they disobeyed God’s command, the beautiful relationship between God and His human creation was broken. When that relationship was fractured, Adam and Eve no longer possessed the nature of God. They became slaves of Satan and became partakers of his character.

When Christ came, as God’s offering for our sin, He did all that was necessary to restore humanity. God’s original purpose was for us to be the expression of His image, life, and nature in this physical world. Christ’s sacrifice transforms the believer. Time and time again, Jesus takes a critical, vindictive, jealous, angry, insecure, or vengeful nature and replaces it with a nature of love. This is part of the miracle that takes place when someone is born again.

We have been given exceedingly great and precious promises regarding all that Christ accomplished through His redemptive actions on our behalf. We are now partakers of God’s divine nature. We are delivered from our old sinful nature. We accept God’s new life by faith in the redeeming work of Jesus Christ. We give thanks to our Redeemer because our nature is reborn.

Thought of the Day: Just like 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells me, I am a new creation in Christ. So, today, I give thanks for the new life I have received through God’s generous forgiveness and love. He has made me new, and He is continuing to transform me into the likeness of His Son.

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