Wisdom's Call: 30 Days in the House of LifeMinta

Wisdom's Call: 30 Days in the House of Life

24. NAP A(Z) 30-BÓL/-BŐL


There has always been deep enmity between the houses of Wisdom and Folly. They have often stood face to face in one confrontation or another at historical and biblical intersections, with faithfulness meeting obstinance, hatred colliding with love. This shouldn’t surprise, since life and death stand in opposition to each other. Folly’s resentment at being cast down goes deep.

Shining morning star, how you have fallen from the heavens! You destroyer of nations, you have been cut down to the ground. You said to yourself, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will set up my throne above the stars of God.

I will sit on the mount of the gods’ assembly, in the remotest parts of the North.

I will ascend above the highest clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” But you will be brought down to Sheol into the deepest regions of the Pit. Those who see you will stare at you; they will look closely at you: “Is this the man who caused the earth to tremble, who shook the kingdoms, who turned the world into a wilderness, who destroyed its cities and would not release the prisoners to return home?” (Isa. 14:12–17)

Enmity drove the serpent to upend our world with a tempting choice between life and death, faith and doubt, obedience and disobedience. The first man and woman threw away their inheritance and tilted the world by choosing violence and destruction. The crafty one met them at the place where their obedience was weak, and they forfeited their earthly and eternal real estate, as well as their perfect communion with Wisdom Himself. The result is that we now live in their shattered shalom.

Their children fared no better. From the moment Cain’s jealous rage at his brother’s better sacrifice flowed through his veins to his fists clenched high—and when the death blow landed on Abel’s flesh— Folly’s enmity was on full display.

Death, opposed to life, seems bitterly resentful of those who leave and find abundant life and wisdom. Folly hates the indictment that freedom and new life bring down upon its head.

Whether it’s God’s prophets and sages confronting the people’s self-destruction and wandering hearts, or whether it’s Christ Himself driving the idolatrous money changers from His own house, those lovers of filthy lucre exploiting His people for their own gain and vainglory, the enmity is there. It is there as He confronts kings and rulers, and it is there when He confronts His own priests of temple renown. Wisdom shames Folly simply by its existence, striking awe in the hearts of the discerning. And therefore, whenever a Folly-dweller finds opportunity to harm a child of Wisdom, the age-old battle is engaged once again.

The promised showdown between the idol of man and the one true God, between truth and lie, between faithless religion and faithful worship, creates a cosmic cataclysm called the cross. Its resurrection power rearranged man’s spiritual DNA and paid for our sins with such finality that we can once again stand before a holy God. It was an event so great that it obliterated every possible tomb for every man, woman, and child throughout history and set them free to escape every prideful, idolatrous tomb we insist on building for ourselves.

No wonder Folly and the agents of destruction are in a rage—the work of their master is completely undone. Folly’s anger reaches its zenith at the end of days, when those who loved destruction and idols too much are divided from those who loved Christ more.

Even as Wisdom’s guests join in the call to the foolish inside and outside of the city gates, Folly-dwellers gnash their teeth, cover their ears, and persecute the faithful. Their hatred smolders in the ashes of their apathy and rebellion. Foolish Cains still grind their teeth, raise their fists, and beat and maim and kill.

And all the while Wisdom presses in with love, bids His own among them still . . . to come.

Nap 23Nap 25

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Wisdom's Call: 30 Days in the House of Life

Join author and professor K.A. Ellis on this 30-day meditation on wisdom. Immerse yourself in the wisdom found in scripture through video reflections, audio narrated by the author, and daily readings. "Wisdom has called us, Friend. Come on into this house and come to stay...adventure awaits."
