ADVENTure: The Loud, Noisy, Roaring, Life Changing, Not So Silent NightMinta

ADVENTure: The Loud, Noisy, Roaring, Life Changing, Not So Silent Night

23. NAP A(Z) 25-BÓL/-BŐL

The Adventure:

It’s Christmas Eve Eve! By now you’re probably dying from all this waiting for Christmas. You are so close, yet it feels so far away. Don’t worry, I believe you can do it. I don’t know if you want to hear this though, but today’s topic is on waiting. A lot of the Bible has people waiting. Not waiting for the food to come to their table kind of waiting, but waiting months, years, and even life times. In fact, the break between the Old Testament and the New Testament is four hundred years! Four hundred! That is a long long time. In that time, people were waiting patiently for Jesus and hoping in Him.

Here is the good news friends. We live on the other side of the cross. We live on the other side of the Christmas story. Jesus has been born, He has lived, He has died for our sins, He has risen again, and ascended to God The Father where He prepares a place for us. But that still means we are waiting for things. We are waiting for our prayers to be answered, for Jesus to come back, and for God’s Kingdom to fully come on Earth. Through all of this our waiting is so different than other kind of waiting. We are waiting on God who is alive and known for answering prayers and keeping His Word.

God is not someone who forgets us. We are always on His mind because we are made in His image and we belong to His family. We were made for God and of course, God remembers His creation. God will always keep His promises to us because He has always kept His promises. Maybe you have someone in your life you don’t trust because they have broken your trust one too many times. The opposite is true for God. We can trust God because at every moment He could have broken His promises He loved us. He loved us even when we didn’t deserve it.

We see this in the biggest way as Jesus rose from the dead. Showing nothing can defeat Jesus and He is alive. We serve a God who is alive and active and wants to be active and present in your entire life. That is a God we can trust in all of our times of waiting.

The Destination:

We wait for Christmas all year long. But imagine if you had to wait for Christmas for 400 years? This Christmas, let us worship God knowing that at the perfect time, Christmas happened and that people waited their whole lives to see Jesus born. We get to celebrate Christmas and all we have to do now is wait two days!

Songs For The Journey:

He Shall Reign Forevermore by Chris Tomlin


Nap 22Nap 24

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ADVENTure: The Loud, Noisy, Roaring, Life Changing, Not So Silent Night

Get ready for the adventure of Christmas as a family! Through this devotional, you and your family will go through the story of The Bible and how it leads to the destination of Christmas and the invitation of adventure on all of our lives.
