Uncommon Gratitude: Cultivating a Heart of ThanksMinta

Uncommon Gratitude: Cultivating a Heart of Thanks

4. NAP A(Z) 5-BÓL/-BŐL

Needs & Mistakes

Benjamin Franklin, among others, is credited with a popular saying about high achievers. “If you want something done, ask a busy person.”

I fondly consider myself as one of those busy people who can get things done. I’m a can-do achiever. Type A, strong work ethic, and resourceful. God made me this way, and I’m grateful.

However, this also means I can have a hard time when I’m confronted with my limitations. I hate making mistakes. I stress over showing up as less than my 100% best at all times. I struggle to ask for help. That’s why our uncommon gratitude today is thanking God for needs and mistakes.

GRACE is giving us the good that we didn’t earn and don’t deserve. MERCY is not giving us the bad that we did earn and do rightly deserve.

In my faulty way of thinking, I don’t want to need grace or mercy. I want to have everything under control.

But God freely gives us both grace and mercy. He doesn’t offer those gifts reluctantly either; He delights in doing so.

Let’s cultivate gratitude for some gaps, needs, and mistakes that help us see God’s faithfulness and receive His care. In these needs, you can receive God’s grace and mercy.

I’ll start with some quick everyday moments:

  • Have you ever dropped your phone, and the screen didn’t shatter?
  • Ran late for a meeting (or missed it altogether) and received reminders of your human limitations?
  • Have you snapped at a loved one and received forgiveness?
  • Used all your energy too early in the day and relied on God and others to make it through?

Now some ongoing needs:

  • What circumstances in your life are beyond what you can handle on your own?
  • Is there a breakthrough you need that’s entirely outside of your control?
  • What longing of your heart can only God answer?
  • What human mistakes require God’s supernatural redemption?

Those needs can cultivate dependence on God and your awareness of Him as you see His faithfulness in practical, tangible ways. Needs and mistakes can prompt uncommon gratitude, not just for the future end you hope for, but also in how God already uses those areas of lack for your good.

God, thank You for Your care in my needs and mistakes.

Nap 3Nap 5

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Uncommon Gratitude: Cultivating a Heart of Thanks

Do you want to experience and enjoy vibrant life-giving gratitude no matter what circumstances or to-do lists fill your day? This 5-day plan from Bible Teacher Jen Weaver empowers you to notice, appreciate, and experience often overlooked blessings with uncommon joy. No added stress; just simple perspective shifts to unlock the incredible power of gratitude and live more aware of God’s personal care for you.
