Use Your Keys: Finding Purpose in LifeMinta

Use Your Keys: Finding Purpose in Life

9. NAP A(Z) 9-BÓL/-BŐL

How To Use Your Keys

First, keep in mind:

  1. You can open the door, but you cannot force people through it. Instead, assess your life to determine if you are content with the amount of time and effort you spend trying to open the door. Are you satisfied with your relationship and knowledge of Jesus? Are you comfortable with the amount of time you spend telling others about Him?
  2. Jesus recognizes and understands the painful realities of living on this earth. He knows what it is like to be weak, afraid, and heartbroken. He hears our prayers and desires to comfort us through our trials.
  3. It’s easy to get fired up after reading a book, attending a conference, or finishing a plan, but then you get back to normal life and have no idea how to change or what to do next.

So, here are some strategies for using your keys in day-to-day life.

  • You can wear Christian T-shirts or jewelry. It is an easy way to share the message of God’s love without ever speaking.
  • You can carry a Bible around with you. You’d be surprised how well that works in opening the door for others to ask you about it.
  • You can say grace over your food in a restaurant … and if you’re really bold, you can ask the server how you can pray for them. My family does this often, and it almost always brings incredible encouragement to our server & us.
  • You can add a Bible verse to the signature line in your email. It’s small, but it’s letting others know you are a follower of Christ, and if they ever have a question, they will know who to ask.
  • You can bless someone by complimenting them or paying for their meal, but then adding in the words “Jesus loves you.” My family even had little cards made up with those words that we gave to those we blessed.
  • You can invite someone to church.
  • You can intentionally build a friendship with someone. Relationships are the best way to show your love and concern for their eternity.

Jesus’ purpose for choosing disciples was to show them who He was. Then He sent them out. He told them to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15, NKJV). Simon—impulsive, bold, reckless Simon—took that to heart. He made a lot of mistakes but ended up becoming a great leader in the early church, preaching to large crowds, and even was blessed to witness three thousand people put their faith in Jesus at one time! This happened because of what he understood. Now that you also understand … just imagine what God can do through you.

Friends, use your keys.

Nap 8

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Use Your Keys: Finding Purpose in Life

Are you struggling to find your purpose in life? What if I told you I knew the answer to that question? Dive into Scripture with me now, but be warned that you are about to learn something powerful, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against that knowledge. You have been given the keys, and it is time to start using them.
