Greg Sykes - ReverseMinta

Greg Sykes - Reverse

4. NAP A(Z) 5-BÓL/-BŐL


My whole life I've struggled with crippling fear and insecurity. So much so, that if I arrived late to class, I would be too afraid to walk in front of the class to get to my desk, so I would hide in the hallway until it was time to change classes.  I’ve wasted many years of my life cowering in fear.

My five-year-old son is fascinated with the story of David and Goliath. He smiles ear to ear every time we read it! He is amazed at the story of how a boy with just one smooth stone could defeat a once undefeatable giant!

Some days I feel like a little boy in the face of a taunting giant as I look at my finances, my calendar or even a person at work with whom I need to have a difficult conversation. But I don't face these giants alone or in my own strength. Like David, I can face them in the name of the Lord Almighty!

Although my insecurity may rear its’ ugly head at certain points throughout the rest of my life, I’m no longer a slave to it that insecurity. I know who and whose I am. I’m a child of God, loved and enough just as I am!

You and I can stand tall and face the battle before us today with confidence, knowing that the God of David is with us on the battlefield RIGHT now. He has been with us every step of the way and He will go before us every step on the road ahead. We do not fight alone.

With God, no situation is hopeless, no one is too broken, and often, the things that seem impossible to us are the very places God often shows His strength and wonder working power most in our lives. 


Nap 3Nap 5

A tervről

Greg Sykes - Reverse

Life can be so hard.  Our fears, failures and insecurities--if not properly put in their place --can be crippling. But thank God we don't need to live based on how we feel. The truth that supercedes our emotions, is that we have a God who is working in and through our weakness and failures and is writing a story that is filled with redemption, hope and death defeating love! For the next five days we're going to focus in on the upside down Kingdom of God who consistently does the impossible and the astonishing way He tends to use the most unlikely situations and people to accomplish great things!
