Draw Closer to God's HeartMinta

Draw Closer to God's Heart

4. NAP A(Z) 7-BÓL/-BŐL

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made - Psalm 139:13-14

“You’re so fat, you look like Buddha,” the annoying ring leader of the bullies said as the rest of his gang laughed hysterically. I wrinkled my nose and looked him dead in the face, and said, “I don’t care what you say; the Bible says I’m fearfully and wonderfully made. God makes all things amazing!” The poor guy was confused and was absolutely rendered speechless. Although I was a “chunklette” at nine years old, I knew what God thought about me, thanks to my family Bible study time. God’s Word was instilled in me as a child. Psalms 139:13-14 became my foundation when the enemy used others to attack my physical appearance. I held this verse in my heart because it reminded me that regardless of my flaws, I was God’s masterpiece!

Friend, when you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see or think of yourself as a masterpiece? We all have days when we feel absolutely fantabulous, and other days…well…probably not so much. However, I love this verse because it reminds us that God created the divine details of our being fearfully and wonderfully. Satan will try to attack our thoughts about our physical appearance as often as possible. He reminds us that we’re never good enough or attractive enough and convinces us to look for validation from others. But I want to reaffirm God created us in His image; therefore, we are all beautifully, majestically, wonderfully made! Yes, my friend, you are fearfully and wonderfully amazing, just the way you are. Flaws and all!

Creative prompt: Make a collage of all the amazing things that make you, you! Embrace the good things you're proud of about yourself, and don’t be afraid to embrace your flaws, areas you are still allowing the Holy Spirit to grow within you. Feel free to use magazines, colored paper, stickers, and plain paper to draw and cut out doodle drawing to add to your collage.

Nap 3Nap 5

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Draw Closer to God's Heart

This creative devotional is filled with creative prompts and scriptures that will inspire you to pursue God and invite Him into your creative process! Your creative gifts come from God, and He wants to use your gifts for His glory. As you use the creative prompts for diving deeper into God’s word, I pray you will see the wonder and beauty of pursuing the heart of God.
