Finding the Light in Self-HarmMinta

Finding the Light in Self-Harm

6. NAP A(Z) 7-BÓL/-BŐL



Welcome back to our week’s study on self-harm. This week we have had time to reflect on our self-harming behaviors and hopefully understand what from our past has brought us to feel we need relief from the pain we carry. We have learned that any negative self-image feeding our behavior is a lie, and God’s truth about who we really are will set us free.

God has perfectly made us; weakness in our human nature has a purpose. As we draw our strength from God to overcome the negative self-image and the self-harming behavior, He will be there with us as He will not let us be destroyed. Our reality is God has never changed. If He has been the strength for King David and the strength for Apostle Paul and so many believers between, surely He is our strength today.

Paul explains our bodies are God’s temple (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) in which His Spirit dwells (1 Corinthians 3:16).

The original Greek word used for temple is naos (pronounced nah-os’) which was used to describe the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place in part of the Tabernacle.

You’ve been created perfectly, and God’s Spirit dwells in you, making it a Holy Place.

You have been part of a vicious cycle built on manipulation, pain, and lies. Yesterday, I emphasized how important it is to enforce the positive nature of who God created you to be daily. We are beginning to replace the daily negative self-image with a daily positive self-image.

Today, we need to look at replacing our what. Again, think about what it is you feel temporary relief from. For example, perhaps you force out food right after eating it because your mind has been manipulated into thinking you have too many pounds on your body. You are finding temporary relief in not intaking any calories while tricking your body that it has eaten.

The replacement for our temporary relief becomes permanent when we use Jesus. He has overcome the world to be at your side. However, just as you have repetitively learned a daily self-harming behavior, we need to replace it with a repetitively learned assurance that you can overcome with Jesus by your side and God’s Holy Spirit providing you strength.

You can choose what works best for your replacement. Perhaps every time you feel the need to engage in self-harming behavior, instead, you find your relief in a song you play or a verse you read. Maybe you start a new hobby that excites you and provides some enjoyment.

As we end today, think of positive reinforcements that work for you. Pick something that reminds you that Jesus is by your side and God’s Holy Spirit is within you, giving you strength.

I’ll see you tomorrow for our last day together this week, and we will look at our hearts.


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