

12. NAP A(Z) 21-BÓL/-BŐL

Will you choose honor?

Honor is a word that is quickly becoming lost in our society. With the onslaught of personal rights, offenses, and self focus, honoring others has become trampled in the mire of our own selfish concerns.

Honor is an attitude that shows others esteem, value, or great respect. Often we tend to honor others only when we deem them honorable. We judge and withhold value based on our own opinions or perceptions. But honor isn’t a feeling. Showing others esteem and value is a choice which originates in our hearts. 

We can never truly honor and value others until we see them as Jesus does. Most of the time, that is very difficult. We see lack of leadership, failings, rude and ungodly behavior, annoying personalities and we decide that person does not deserve honor. Yet scripture is very clear that we do not honor others based on their performance. It simply tells us to honor all people, even if we don’t agree with them.

Here’s something amazing to consider: we can never truly honor God until we choose to honor others. All others. Showing value to others isn’t about who they are, but it’s a sure indication of who we are--who Christ is in us.  

Honoring others with our actions and words is the very best way of showing honor to God. 

Choose to honor others, giving God the honor He deserves.


Nap 11Nap 13

A tervről


Life is a series of choices, each determining the trajectory it will take. Will we choose life, by allowing our hearts to be changed by God's Word? Or will we default to our human nature, a passive choice leading to death?


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