The Send: A Life of Christ-Like ActionMinta

The Send: A Life of Christ-Like Action

15. NAP A(Z) 30-BÓL/-BŐL

Compassion is an urge to see people flourishing in the fullness of life rather than suffering under the shadow of death. It is a gut-wrenching empathy that motivates us to work for the good of others. We see throughout Mark that Jesus was motivated by compassion. In Mark 9:14-29, we read about a father whose son has suffered in the deadly grip of a demon since childhood. This man has been carrying the burden of his son for a long time, and he has come to Jesus hoping for a miracle.

Pay attention to how Jesus interacts with this father. He doesn’t simply snap his fingers, heal the child, and move on with his busy schedule. Instead, he gives the man the opportunity to share his story. This compassionate invitation opens a door for Jesus to step into an otherwise tragic story of death and transform it into a drama of resurrection. As we read today, let’s put ourselves in this man’s shoes as he carries his burdens to Jesus, and consider what it would look like to invite Jesus into our own story. Let’s also think about how we can learn from Jesus’ compassion, and become people who deeply connect and care for those who are hurting around us.

Reflection Questions:

  • How is God speaking to me through these verses?
  • What does this set of verses teach me about God?
  • What does this show me about the good news of Jesus?
  • How can I apply what I read today?


Nap 14Nap 16

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The Send: A Life of Christ-Like Action

We are a part of the war on inaction! As we join in the Great Commission together, we also want to understand what this mission truly is. Join us on a 30-day journey through the Gospel of Mark as we explore who Jesus is and how his time on earth should lead us into a life of Christ-like action.
