In the Grip of GraceMinta

In the Grip of Grace

5. NAP A(Z) 5-BÓL/-BŐL

The Fellowship We Find

As we come to Romans 14, we find that the church was experiencing conflict over eating meat sold in the markets that might come from sacrifices to idols. Some in the fellowship responded by avoiding meat altogether. Some avoided the problem by holding on to dietary restrictions outlined in the law of Moses. But others took the opposite approach. They held that Jesus had given them freedom to eat and drink anything. False gods held no power over them. Old rules no longer applied.

Paul could have resolved the controversy by taking sides. But he saw a bigger issue at stake. The opposing viewpoints were rocking the boat and creating disharmony among the crew. Paul wanted the church members to right the ship by showing love and grace to each another (see Romans 14:1–3). Paul knew it was dangerous to allow this silly argument to divide the church. Paul was always quick to point out serious doctrinal errors that threatened to lead people astray, but he was equally quick to point out that unity and love should prevail when more trivial disagreements erupted.

Today, there are more opportunities than ever for divisions to break out in the church. The truth is that God has enlisted every believer to serve on the same ship. We each have a uniform mission: to spread the word about Christ so that everyone can climb aboard. Each of us has a different role. Though different, we are the same. Though unique, we share the same goal. Given this, we should be helping one another achieve whatever role we have been given. Still, the reality is that we often find the ship has run afoul. 

“What do we do?” we ask. “How can there be harmony on the SS Fellowship?” It’s all about grace. The world will believe that Jesus was sent by God if we love one another and extend God’s grace to each other. Unity creates belief. Disunity fosters disbelief. Could it be that unity is the key to reaching the world for Christ?

Does this mean we compromise our convictions and abandon the truths we cherish? No. But it does mean we look long and hard at the attitudes we carry. We can learn from others who are different from us and see how they give glory to God and bear good fruit. Be thankful that God is at work in other groups than yours. Where there is faith, repentance, and a new birth, there is a Christian. When we meet a person whose faith is in the cross and whose eyes are on the Savior, we meet a fellow shipmate, a fellow brother or sister in Christ.

God’s kingdom has room for many opinions, but it has common ground: the all-sufficient sacrifice of Jesus Christ. When the members of God’s kingdom stand together and strive together on the foundation of that sacrifice, the results will be incredibly powerful. Pray for the day when the world is won because the church is one, and we see the enemy crushed beneath our feet (see Romans 16:20).


What conflicts have you seen between Christians? 

What can you learn from believers that have different perspectives on the Christian life? What healthy boundaries do we need to establish unity yet preserve truth?

How can you be part of promoting unity within the church and winning the world for Christ?


Nap 4

A tervről

In the Grip of Grace

This reading plan includes five daily devotions based on Max Lucado’s video study Romans: In the Grip of Grace from the 40 Days Through the Book series. This study will explore how Paul’s writing to the church in Rome outlines the core beliefs of the Christian faith and how Jesus’ people are to think and live in the grip of God’s amazing grace.
