Crazy Happy Minta

Crazy Happy

4. NAP A(Z) 5-BÓL/-BŐL


Jesus said quite simply, “You will know a tree by its fruit” (Matthew 7:20). All humans grow –– we can’t help it. It’s part of who we are. Every day that we live and move through this world, fruit (of some kind) is growing.

But not all fruit brings God glory. And ultimately, when our lives do not bring glory to God, our lives can never be truly happy. We have the fruit of the Spirit as a guide to make sure the outgrowth of our lives brings glory to God, blessings to the world, and happiness to us.

Let’s do a little fruit “inspecting” together. 

I want you to answer these questions honestly. God already knows this about us. 

But our honesty will help guide us closer to Jesus and closing to surrendering to the Spirit so he can bear good fruit in and through us.

  • Who do I struggle to love and why?
  • Would the people closest to me characterize my life as joyful?
  • How do I experience God’s peace and share it with others?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how frustrated do I get when I have to wait?
  • Am I prone to being aggressive with others?
  • How much of my life is full of things that aren’t God’s best for me?
  • Do I struggle to follow through on things, especially when they become difficult?
  • Do I treat people with sensitivity and care, or am I abrasive and aggressive?
  • How am I doing in areas of temptation?

As you can see, our present circumstances are pregnant with opportunities to learn and grow. I always try and remind people that our circumstances are the curriculum that Jesus uses to transform our lives and teach us how he wants us to live. Because Jesus knows that we fail, he willingly died on a cross for us.

Today, let’s praise Jesus for where we see evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Let’s also pray for where we do not yet see fruit. 

Lord, we know that fruit is borne in its own time, so help us to simply abide in you.

Nap 3Nap 5

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Crazy Happy

Daniel Fusco, the author of Crazy Happy and pastor of Crossroads Community Church, unpacks fresh connections in two of the Bible’s most familiar passages and makes connections that can really, truly, honest-to-goodness change things. If you stick around for the ride, you’ll find the kind of God-given beauty that can change your life and make you crazy happy too – even in the midst of our sometimes-crazy world.
