

5. NAP A(Z) 8-BÓL/-BŐL


 The idea that 'it is more blessed to give than to receive' is not new to us (Act 20:35). We have all experienced the joy and gratitude that comes after a display of generosity – whether it was through a perfect gift, a selfless act of service, or simply the edification from time spent together. It's a great feeling! But more than that, as followers of Christ, and beneficiaries of God's abundant and extravagant generosity, we are called to a life of authentic worship through generosity. But why is it so hard to embrace a lifestyle of true and selfless generosity?  


Whatever the idol – money, success, power, or control – idolatry tell us that our need to fulfill [insert idol] is more precious, valuable and satisfying than anything we could find in God. And as a result, we shift our focus away from God and onto ourselves – wanting to pave our own path for gratifying our desires. But as we know, our idols overpromise and underdeliver, and we are never truly satisfied in them. God's promises, on the other hand, are eternal. 

In a society that keeps telling us to 'treat yourself', we need to hear Jesus telling us to 'deny ourselves' (Luke 9:23).

Forgiven people give – cheerfully, sacrificially, and not for selfish gain. That is the call. We are called to give in abundance and in faith, because when our hearts have been transformed by the grace of God, there is no other way to respond (2 Corinthians 9:6-15).

As recipients of God's immeasurable generosity, being generous is not something that we need to do, it is fundamental to who we are as followers of Christ. It is not about doing acts of generosity, but about cultivating a spirit of generosity.  

When we give, we are worshipping God by giving back what had always belonged to Him. When we give, we are declaring that our faith and hope does not rest on our material wealth, but on the eternal promises of God. Through our hope in Christ, we have the freedom to be extravagant in our generosity. 

Read the following bible passages, and take the time to reflect on our calling to be extravagant in generosity, and how we have the freedom to be generous because of Jesus' ultimate sacrifice on the Cross. This devotional is designed to be read with the podcast series "Recalibrate" of the Generation Podcast. Listen to episode titled 'giving' for a deeper discussion on how God is worshipped through generosity. 

Nap 4Nap 6

A tervről


Sometimes we need a recalibration, a re-alignment in our relationship with God. We believe that right now God wants to recalibrate his people into fresh, authentic and real relationship with Him. Come on the journey with us here with this devotional, and also with our partner podcast 'generation ministries' wherever you get your podcasts.
