The Nature of LoveMinta

The Nature of Love

2. NAP A(Z) 5-BÓL/-BŐL

 Grizzly Bear

Have you seen a momma bear angry? You’ll never forget it if you do! 

I was in Yellowstone National Park when I saw a video showing a mama grizzly bear fending off two wolves who were after her small cub. One wolf would dart in and nip at her flanks, while the other circled around behind her to slink in and snatch her vulnerable cub. The cub was bawling and scrambling to stay close to mama. She was thrashing about, baring her teeth and roaring in fury at the wolves who dared to think her baby was going to be their next meal. 

They circled her and kept up the dance. She spun one way and then the next, swinging at them with her gigantic and powerful limbs—strong enough to kill a moose. One swipe of her massive paw could easily kill them and send them flying. Her six-inch claws could rip their bodies apart in a swift second. Her unbridled rage was an awesome and terrifying display of might and protection.

Eventually, the wolves gave up. Although there were two of them, and they were quite cunning, the wolves were no match for an enraged mama bear protecting her cub. Even larger male grizzlies—who want to get rid of cubs that will grow up to challenge them—will avoid fighting an angry mama bear protecting her young ones, because they know she will furiously fight to the death for them.

We have a God who jealously guards and protects us. And His arm is mighty to save as well. Even better, He fights for us! 

In Deuteronomy Moses tells Joshua that our God himself, will fight for us, “Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God himself will fight for you” (Deuteronomy 3:22 NIV). And God’s arms are even mightier than a grizzly bear, although His intention toward us is love. Peter says, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time” (1 Peter 5:6). 

God will not only fights for us, He will lift us up. We just need to stay close to Him like that baby cub scrambling to stay next to his mama. The cub trusted in his mama’s love and strength. Because that’s what love does—it protects, guards, and fights to the death for us. Even to the point of death on a cross.

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