[Exodus Experience Series] Characteristics Of A Spiritual LeaderMinta

[Exodus Experience Series] Characteristics Of A Spiritual Leader

3. NAP A(Z) 5-BÓL/-BŐL

The Liberating Leader

Once a leader gets serious about leading by listening first and then being a living example, the next characteristic of leadership becomes a natural next step in their growth to becoming a good leader. 

In verses 21 and 22, Jethro uses key phrases that define the characteristics of a liberating leader. He says, “you shall select,” “you shall place,” and “you shall let.” In other words, “Moses, you are to liberate (free up) others to bear the burden of the work with you.” Remember, this next characteristic comes after listening and living. 

Moses was to be discerning in his choice of others to bear this burden of leadership. He was to select able men, who feared God, and loved the truth, not coveting what others have. In other words, he was to look for the gifting, the talents, and the commitments of those who could lead well. So, discerning the right men it was critical. 

Moses was to place them in positions of responsibility according to their gifts, talents, and abilities. He was to be decisive, placing the men he chose into positions of leadership as “rulers of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens.” 

He was then to “let them judge.” Moses was to delegate to the proper authority to them and let them rule. Notice, again, that this comes after he has accepted wise counsel in the proper perspective, trained others through his example, and chosen leaders based on the discernment of their skills and commitment to God.

God has been doing this dating back to the Garden of Eden. He created human beings to take dominion over His creation; He taught them how to tend His garden and delegated responsibility for that garden to Adam and Eve. Imagine that—God turned over the responsibility for tending His garden to us. Wow!

The liberating leader, then, is discerning of others, decisive in placing others in positions of authority, and committed to delegating responsibility. The result, according to verse 22 is that the people would be helped, Moses’ task would be easier, and the burden of leadership would be shared. That’s a win-win scenario. 

Nap 2Nap 4

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[Exodus Experience Series] Characteristics Of A Spiritual Leader

What characteristics would a leader who will guide two million people out from slavery into a new life of freedom need? How could he or she solve the conflicts that would arise between so many people? This five-part devotional explores the characteristics this leader should have according to a specific incident in Moses’s life during the Exodus. If we take them into account, that leader could be any of us.
