A Reading Plan for Moms for the New YearMinta

A Reading Plan for Moms for the New Year

7. NAP A(Z) 12-BÓL/-BŐL

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered.  “May it be to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her.

Mary had a tremendous amount of faith in what Gabriel was telling her. Think about it: Mary was a young girl, maybe the age of your teenage daughter. She was betrothed to Joseph, but was still a virgin. Gabriel was an angel, sent by God, who told Mary that she would give birth to the Son of God and she would name him Jesus. 

Can you imagine how scary that must have been for her? Her mind must have been racing; how would she explain her pregnancy to her parents, to Joseph, to the village? What would they do? What would giving birth be like? How could she be the mother to God’s son? 

She must have thought this request was too much for her, for she was just a child herself.  All those thoughts had to be rushing through her head. But her response was, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”  Amazing faith.

Has God given you a vision for your life? Does it feel too great…like there is no way you can follow what He's asking? 

Has He placed on your heart the desire to stay in a marriage that feels dead, and to love your husband, whether he is loving you in return? Is God asking you to forgive your child for shaming your family and to accept your prodigal child back into your family? Is God whispering in your ear to trust Him in this difficult time even though you do not see any way that it will turn out good? 

What if your response was like Mary’s? Think about that today. What would it look like to have faith like Mary?  To say, “I am the Lord’s servant...”

Pray this today:

God, I want a faith like Mary's. I want to do whatever You ask of me. Be patient with me, grow me to that grand faith. I know I must follow after You and my faith will grow. Help me take one step of obedience at a time.


Nap 6Nap 8

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A Reading Plan for Moms for the New Year

Whether you are a first-time mom of a newborn or a seasoned mom of a teenager, Karen Stubbs knows that you need encouragement and a little time out. This 12-day reading plan will meet you where you are while encouraging and challenging you on your God-ordained journey of motherhood.
