Kingdom Prayers Minta

Kingdom Prayers

8. NAP A(Z) 30-BÓL/-BŐL

Dear Father, my days are worthless and empty unless they are spent in Your presence, expended in Your service, and used for Your glory. Only by Your grace, strength, wisdom, and enabling can I do anything, including taking my next breath. Grant that I may rely fully on You and not waste Your provisions. Direct me and gently guide me to rely on You every moment, in every word, every step, every thought.

Give me a constant desire to know You and make You known, to give You praise, to demonstrate Your love, and to advance Your Kingdom. Let me be about Your business so as to become an instrument of blessing to all with whom I come in contact. Let me be Your hands and feet and voice in whatever corner of creation you lead me, being used in such a way that Your will is done on earth as it is in heaven.


King of kings, I long for Your perfect rule. You have given us imperfect rulers. They are a shadow of what You intend perfect government to be. Let us learn from them and submit to them as we pursue a corporate achievement of Your purposes in being obedient people and collaborating to bless others as You have blessed us. May their shortcomings be a reminder to us of Your greatness as we long for better things, better laws, and better people.  

May we labor for purer expressions of Your will and live lives above and beyond the letter of human law to demonstrate the spirit of Your will. Let us, as Your people, demonstrate love among ourselves and to those outside Your family so that the whole world might see the perfection of our King and submit to Your rule. Let us live by Your Kingdom’s laws as You have clearly communicated them in Your commands. Let us serve Your Kingdom’s purposes by living in love and seeking the salvation of those outside Your family. Let us use our resources according to Your priorities. Let us prioritize our time and energy for Your purposes. Let us live our lives with an awareness of Your presence so that we might at all times be attentive to the slightest indication of Your intention. You are our King.

Nap 7Nap 9

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Kingdom Prayers

We all know how important and powerful prayer is. The disciples didn't ask Jesus to teach them how to preach, they asked Him to teach them how to pray. Prayer changes things and Jesus was always praying. Let's be like Jesus and learn how to pray Kingdom Prayers.
