Olvasóterv információk

Olvasd el az egész Bibliát kevesebb, mint egy év alattMinta

Whole Bible in Less Than a Year

7. NAP A(Z) 342-BÓL/-BŐL

Every seventh day is a great opportunity to reflect on what you’re learning and to share it with others. Today’s passage is a highlight from what you already read this week. Think back over the week’s readings. Did you see connections between the various passages? Talk to God: • Praise Him for who He is and what He’s like. • Confess any sin. • Thank Him for complete forgiveness through Jesus, for other blessings in your life, for answers to prayer, and for what He has done for you. • Share your worries with Him, and ask Him for what you and others need. • Ask Him for guidance, and place your trust in Him. Share with someone a verse or thought that impacted you from the past six days of reading.


Nap 6Nap 8

A tervről

Whole Bible in Less Than a Year

Ez a Biblia Olvasási Terv a teljes Bibliából tartogat számodra ó- és újszövetségi olvasmányokat minden napra. Az Ószövetséget kronologikus sorrendben olvashatod, vegyítve a Zsoltárokkal és a próféciákkal, ahogy azok kapc...


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