Pray While You’re Prey Devotions For Singles, 2Minta

Pray While You’re Prey Devotions For Singles, 2

3. NAP A(Z) 7-BÓL/-BŐL

...Then, Why Am I Still Alone

I read it over and over again, “It is not good for man to be alone….” Those were God’s words, not mine. He knew we would desire companionship, so why am I still single, Lord? We were created to praise and please God. We were created in His image, and just as He loves us, we oftentimes have the desire to love others. The institution of marriage was ordained by God from the beginning of time, and yet, I feel left out because I am still single. Have you ever felt this way?

In singleness, there seems to be a void. And the void is only natural, as God said it is not good for us to be alone. Many single people make it their life’s mission to find something to fill the void left by loneliness. We vigorously pursue dreams and goals. We invest time in people and projects. We immerse ourselves in anything we can to avoid the thought of how lonely we feel. There is nothing wrong with pursuing dreams; it is one of the greatest benefits of singleness. There is nothing wrong with staying busy; it can be helpful to relieve the pain that is sometimes experienced from being alone. However, until we realize that the void we feel can only be filled by God, we will be miserable.

God is the treasure. He is the ice cream and the cherry on top. Sure, being in a relationship is like having a little whipped cream or some slivered almonds or chocolate sauce, whatever you fancy, but the sweetness is found in God alone. Just because God made Eve for Adam it did not mean that Adam was to love, respect or cherish God any less. And, Adam’s gift led him astray, as we allow many of the people God gifts us with to do. God wants us to have a suitable helper. But, that helper needs to point us to Christ in times of crisis or confusion.

If you have accepted Christ in your life, you are never alone. Single, maybe. Lonely, sometimes. Alone, never! God is always with us. He is everything we need whenever we need it. Once we realize that, any relationship that God blesses us with will become infinitely more satisfying. We will stop trying to mold our loved ones into the perfect shape to fill our void because the void will be filled by God. How many relationships fail because they are based on our unreasonable and unrealistic expectations of what another person can do for us? Companions are great, but they cannot even begin to compare with being satiated by God alone. If we truly believe in the promises of God, then we know He has a plan for us and when we are best suited to have our extras, He will bless us with them.

Thank You, God for being all that I will ever need.
Please forgive me for trying to have other people
and pursuits fill a void that only You can fill.
Lord, please help me to be sure of Your promise that I am never alone
even though I am single and sometimes feel lonely.
In Jesus’ Name,


Nap 2Nap 4

A tervről

Pray While You’re Prey Devotions For Singles, 2

Several years ago, I wrote a book called, Pray While You’re Prey: How God Turned my Loneliness and Frustration into Contentment and Commitment. It was always my intention to revisit the Bible verses in the book and other Scriptures that have been uplifting to me during this season of singleness to encourage others. The first part of this devotion received a lot of feedback and requests for more, so here is and additional part. I pray that this devotion continues to honor Him and bless you. Enjoy!
