Kingdom MarriageMinta

Kingdom Marriage

5. NAP A(Z) 5-BÓL/-BŐL

If you watch any military shows or movies, you’ve probably heard a general or soldier yelling, “They’re trying to flank us!” In military tactics, this is where the enemy will try to attack from the side or from behind. The reason troops don’t want to get flanked is because it forces them to divide their defenses. 

Satan uses these same tactics against your marriage. Let me say it this way, he seeks to divide and conquer. He knows that a when a couple is not unified, he can take them out more easily. However, when a couple is operating in biblical unity, they can stand firm against Satan and defeat him.

But what is unity? Unfortunately, many people think that unity means “sameness.” This is not true. Unity is not uniformity—it doesn’t mean being just like your spouse. Instead, unity can be defined as any group of people who are characterized by a shared purpose, vision or direction. It’s not about being the exact same, but about advancing toward the same goal. Think about a basketball team. There are five different positions on the court. Each position is characterized by different skillsets, roles and responsibilities. But all five players shoot at the same basket because their goal is the same.

God doesn’t call us to lose our uniqueness as an individual when we get married. However, a healthy marriage is where the presence and work of God’s Spirit transcends our individual differences. This is unity, and unity is built from a shared commitment to defeat a common enemy—the devil. This principle must be understood, accepted and continually sought after if a marriage is to truly experience victory.

Don’t allow Satan to divide you. Rally around God’s Word, and through prayer, create a unified front against Satan’s attacks on your marriage.

What spiritual goals can you and your spouse unify around? 

Have you enjoyed learning about being in a Kingdom Marriage? You can learn more on this subject - and many others - in the Tony Evans Training Center. Simply visit this link.  

Nap 4

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Kingdom Marriage

Marriage comes with great joys and great challenges. One of the reasons for the challenges is because we have lost sight of the Biblical purpose of marriage. We have removed God and defined marriage in terms of happiness. But marriage exists to glorify God by expanding His reach throughout the world. In this five-day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans takes you on a journey of kingdom marriage.
