Jesus, I Want to Love You Part 8Minta

Jesus, I Want to Love You Part 8

3. NAP A(Z) 6-BÓL/-BŐL

Take a moment to read the recommended Bible passages.


Jesus warns us that putting our trust in Him is not the way to an easy life, but rather eternal life.

Consider the world around you and then describe in your own words what the wide gate looks like. Who is going through it? What are they doing?

The way that is wide leads to destruction and many, many choose this way. Anyone may enter. You may enter with all of your sin, all of your pride, and all of your rebellion. Many will go with you, but in the end, it will mean death. Not death as we think of it, but rather a death that is eternal—eternal dying, eternal separation from God and everyone else. Absolute aloneness and torment. In the Luke 16 passage, Jesus vividly describes what this is like.

Now on the other hand, what does the narrow gate look like? What is the narrow way? Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the narrow way. The way that leads to life is narrow because Jesus is the only way (John 14:6). And it is hard because following Jesus can lead to great difficulties. According to Acts 14:22, what do Paul and Barnabas say? How often have you heard this message?

The way that is narrow leads to life—eternal, abundant, everlasting life. But few will enter. You may find yourself walking this way alone, with only Christ as your companion. The narrow path is marked with great difficulty, trouble, persecution, and affliction. It is the way of your Savior and of the faithful that have gone before you.

Are we prepared for these difficulties? There is a cost to following Jesus (Luke 14:25-35). Have you counted the cost to follow Him? Do you love your Savior? Is He worth the price? Will you follow Him wherever He leads?

Take time now to think about what you are unwilling to do to follow Him. Ask the Lord right now to reveal those things to you. Confess them to the Lord and ask Him to help you be willing to follow Him at all costs.

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