What If You Could? - Find Faith In The Face Of FearEgzanp

What If You Could? - Find Faith In The Face Of Fear


When my girls were little, I stayed home with them. I enjoyed dressing them up like angels and princesses; making up stories for them; singing songs little kids sing; creating fun themed birthday parties; taking them to the zoo, the children’s museum, and the beach; and teaching them new things. Life was good. One September morning when my daughters were both less than five years old, our country came under attack, and then the Gulf War began in Iraq. The daily news was filled with stories of battles and devastation. News correspondents reported on shortages that hospitals were experiencing because of so many injuries. 

They focused on a little girl about five or six. In the States, her injuries would not have been life-threatening. But because of the lack of basic supplies like sterile bandages and antibiotics, she was in danger of losing her life. I could only imagine the injured girl’s parents helplessly standing by, not able to do anything to take care of their daughter. Something inside me cried out to God, Please, Lord, don’t let that child die. And as I was walking away from the television, I heard Him say, “So what are you going to do?” Lord, what can I do? I have no way to help that child. “Yes, you do. I have given you all you need to help the people in Iraq.”

When I thought about it, I realized He was right. I knew lots of people. So I called my doctor friends, who gave me the names of medical supply charities. I called political leaders I knew and government agencies I had worked with while in DC, and that got me to the next step of gathering medical supplies— medicine, bandages, syringes, wheelchairs, crutches, and even x-ray machines. I found donors to pay for the shipping costs, and we found the right hands in Iraq to accept the shipments. It all happened within weeks.

I believed that God had called me to the task. This experience changed how I saw myself in God’s eyes! I matured in my faith because I was open to Him asking me to use the gifts and talents He had given me to do His will. As you can see, He is no respecter of persons. He used me to help someone in a far-off country. You too can be used by God, if you stop talking about what you can’t do and believe that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13). Let God bring about good things in and through you!


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What If You Could? - Find Faith In The Face Of Fear

Learn to use your faith to face your fears and break through to success! What if you weren’t afraid of other people’s opinions, of failing, or the cost? You are equipped to accomplish many things, if you push through what you fear, you can accomplish great things....and that could change everything. What if you could do anything? Do not let fear keep you from your destiny! 
