Why Reading God's Word Is a Big Deal.Egzanp

Why Reading God's Word Is a Big Deal.


I live on a farm and really want to be one of those people who live off their land, but my gardening skills just aren’t there. I have come a long way from the first year of planting when I basically killed all 63 vegetable plants that we planted. I had no clue that nitrogen was even a factor to consider, for growing food. I learned the hard way that the soil is the KEY to a good harvest.

In Luke 8, Jesus shares a story about the importance of knowing scripture and how it affects your life. He uses a parable of a garden, with the Word being the seeds that we plant.

He warns against being the person who just hears the Word and does nothing with it because the devil will come and take that seed quickly. He warns against being the person who is on fire for the Word temporarily but doesn’t have any follow-up to make sure that the flame doesn’t go out. That’s like when you put a little time in here and there reading a quick verse or saying a quick prayer – and you believe it in the moment. But as soon as the trouble hits – those things aren’t deep enough, so you’re enveloped by the trials instead of His Word. He warns against allowing the things in life to be a priority over knowing the Word because those will be what you worship instead of worshiping God.

Listen – this isn’t easy, and it doesn’t come overnight. It takes repetition; it takes discipline, preparation, it takes focus, and perseverance. Is our foundation solid in God’s Word, to yield fruit in our lives? Are our roots strong enough that when storms come, we are planted well enough to endure, stand firm, and fight well?

If you don’t understand the “why,” then the “how” isn’t going to matter. If you don’t understand the importance of the “why,” then you won’t really have the motivation for the long-term “how.” Especially when the “how” is hard. The motivation comes from understanding the value that the Word brings to every aspect of your life.

So, work your soil. Till it, nurture it, and protect it. Hold fast to keep the Word in your heart so that you have an abundant harvest in life here on Earth and in Heaven.

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Why Reading God's Word Is a Big Deal.

Have you ever asked God why you are here on Earth or what his will for your life is? Studying the Bible is the foundation of our faith. It’s how we learn who God is, how we learn who we are, and how we learn our purpose. Discover how the Bible can change you from the inside out and see why it’s a big deal!
