Philippians Wisdom for FamiliesEgzanp

Philippians Wisdom for Families


Eyes on the Prize

“It’s the end of the world as we know it …” Ah, children! Without the perspective of experience and maturity, our kids can think their worlds are imploding, much like this old song, at the drop of a grade … or a lost toy … a mean text … a relationship breakup … or orders to the middle of nowhere …

Your kids must develop a long-term mentality, becoming confident they can overcome hard times and hurt feelings. They must learn to trust the Lord and you. Life will get better. This current dustup or crisis will pass and will likely not change history. Even if it does, God will make it okay in the end.

We all need to work to keep the major things major and the minor things minor. This disappointment or failure hurts now, but is it eternally important? Even if an event may not matter in the grand scheme of things, how we react to it will help shape our character and spiritual growth.

But we are citizens of heaven and are eagerly waiting for our Savior to come from there. Our Lord Jesus Christ has power over everything, and he will make these poor bodies of ours like his own glorious body.
Philippians 3:20–21 (CEV)

The Christian life features delayed gratification. We are repeatedly told we will have trouble in the world but that we await an eternal reward. We must fight against temptation and not live the way the world does because we belong to heaven, and our Savior is returning from there.

Amid our daily joys and crises, Paul tells us to keep our minds on what’s most important: eagerly waiting for Jesus. So, we must act like citizens of heaven! In the same way, in Hebrews 12:2, we see that Jesus himself endured the shame of the cross by keeping his eyes on the joy to come.

When we and our kids face today’s troubles and temptations, we can remind each other to keep our eyes on the prize. We have to wait and endure, but we will see his glory.


Lord, today feels so hurtful, hard, and important. But you see the big picture and know the story's end. Help me and my kids trust you and wait for your eternal reward for us. Amen.


Conversation starter for kids: Provides you with questions and prompts to facilitate a time of applicable discussion with children to lead them towards knowing God and His Word more deeply.

Question(s): What are you looking forward to when Jesus returns in power?


Related passages: These additional verses will help parents expand their Scriptural knowledge and place on the armor of God’s Word to tackle each day. Swipe to read the passages today.

John 16:33

Hebrews 12:2


Tonia Gutting wrote this devotional for the Hero Squad Program of the American Bible Society. Hero Squad provides complimentary faith-based resources to strengthen and encourage Military families through God’s Word. For more information or to enroll your Military family, check out our

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Philippians Wisdom for Families

The key to family resiliency and stability is how we press into God to strengthen and train our minds. In this 5-day devotional, you can apply Paul's wisdom to the church of Philippi to strengthen your family.
