Remember WhenEgzanp

Remember When

JOU 4 SOU 28

Do you ever struggle to hear God's voice when you pray or read the Bible? If you do, you're not alone. But a long time ago, some followers of Jesus came up with a way of spending time with God that helps us listen for God's voice. It's called Lectio Divina and it's all about hearing God speak through Scripture. Here's how it works...


Get rid of any distractions so you can focus. Ask God to speak to you through the words you're about to read in the Bible.


Read today's passage of Scripture. Read the passage—slowly! Listen for any words or ideas that stand out to you. When something does stand out, write it down.


Read the passage again. This time, spend extra time focusing on the words that stood out to you during your first read-through. Let God's words really sink in. Then write what you're thinking or feeling.


Read the passage one more time. This time, listen for what God might be inviting you to do. Write it down.


Spend a few minutes talking with God about what you just read and were invited to do. Here are some prayers to get you started.

  • God, help me understand your words.
  • What do you want me to know?
  • What are you inviting me to do?
  • What do you see that I don't?

Write down anything you say to God and anything you notice God saying in return.


What happened during your time with God today?

  • What did you hear God say?
  • What would it look like to imitate Jesus' humility in your life right now?
  • What will you do in response to what God has said?
Jou 3Jou 5

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Remember When

Christmas is one of those holidays that feels timeless. It's a season that invites us to be nostalgic and think about memories from Christmases past. In this 4-week devotional series from Grow Curriculum, we'll take a look at the Christmas story to see how something we may have heard long ago can still help us grow today.
