The Invisibles and the ForgottenEgzanp

The Invisibles and the Forgotten



While waiting to board my flight at the airport, I observed and paid close attention to the people and sounds around me. I heard a baby crying, flight announcements, people speaking too loudly on their phones…a great variety of noises. But after a few minutes, it simply sounded like a loud murmur or bustle. I imagined how it must be for God to hear the world’s bustle day in day out, 24/7, for thousands of years. Prayers, complaints, cries, songs, sounds of nature, and all the noises of the world constantly and incessantly reaching His throne. When I imagine that scenario, suddenly my prayers and life don’t seem that important.

How can I compete with everything happening in the world? Does God have time for me? What importance do my struggles or problems at work have when there is suffering and disorder around me? Orphaned children, pandemics, political chaos, and a world increasingly noisier that constantly competes for our attention, “Look at me…I did x or y…look at what I ate…watch how well I dance…follow me…,” etc.

There are so many distractions and competing noises it is truly overwhelming. In light of these things, we can feel invisible, forgotten, and like a flea in the Amazonia. Despite all the world’s connectivity and social media, studies reveal that isolation and loneliness have become an epidemic. Moreover, we can believe that we are invisible even to God.

Little by little friends disappear, no one considers us, we are not part of the “spiritual people,” and doubt God could be interested in our particular stories. In theory, we know this is not true, but circumstances and the bustling world we live in drown out the truth, pushing us into silent desperation.

Back in the terminal, my thoughts running a thousand miles per second, I started writing a song for the Lord. Immediately, the Holy Spirit brought a story to mind. He used that story to remind me He has a profound interest in the invisibles and forgotten of the world, and that He is more than powerful to sustain the world in the palm of His hand and also care for the world’s less seen.

Have you ever felt that way? Invisible and forgotten? You may feel insufficient compared with everything that competes for recognition. How do we respond when we feel like even God doesn’t see or care about us?

We will read about four invisibles that were visible to God and the lessons we can learn from them when we feel invisible and forgotten.

We’ll begin with the story God brought to mind at the airport and discover that God is still El-roi, the God who sees me.


Father, I ask that you speak to my heart through your Word. Holy Spirit, fill every space in my mind, and prepare my heart’s soil to receive the seed you want to plant in my life through this devotional. Help me recognize that I am seen, known, and loved by you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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The Invisibles and the Forgotten

Despite all the world’s connectivity and social media, studies reveal that isolation and loneliness have become an epidemic. Moreover, we can believe that we are invisible even to God. This devotional centers around four “invisibles” that were visible to God and the lessons we learn from them when we feel invisible and forgotten.
